Thursday, October 3, 2019
Pirate Radio Music
Pirate Radio Music Pirate radio station is a station in UK. It is a site delivering pirate radio culture and music which is straight from the heart of London. It is also served through web server and screening real audio. It has played a crucial role in forming the Britains musical test. Today, the waves of the pirate radio station in the cities are so much crowded to the extend that the pirates are been pushed to the suburbs and the country side. It is through these that the people from the rural communities have been in a position to access these services which most of the radio stations have not achieved. Today the members from the rural communities can now have the opportunity to listen on what is happening all over the world through the many programmes which are made by this radio station. As a result most of the people have named it a nerve center and its headquarter is of Essex top pirate radio station. What was crucial for the growth of the pirate radio station was the incorporation of the new technology in the performance of its many activities. This radio station has used the new technology and these are some of the factors on how this new technology has made the pirate radio to prosper. You find that the transistors were now abit hugly smaller and also for the first time, these transistors were transportable. It was doe to the new technology that there was a drop in the hardware price. It was due to the drop of the hardware price that most of the activities could be done effectively hence leading the company to realize its competitive advantage. You find that for a company to grow, first it needs to maintain its costs since when costs are more than the profits, then definitely the company will lead to losses. But here we see that the hardware could be sold at a cheap price hence meaning that its costs were less than the profits leading to the realization of the competitive advantage. The introduction of the clearer and the cheaper FM brand is also another way by which the pirate radio has benefited from the new technology. Once the microwave technology came in to play, it means that this transmitter was in a different location which was different from where the pirates broadcasted from and this is a cheap hardware which can be easily got and replaced when stolen. (Jo Tacchi, 2001). If you tune around that FM band in London, you will find a large number of pirate radio stations. These stations are highly recognizable since they have differentiated themselves from the other stations so that then can realize their competitive advantage. One of their distinctive features is there distinctive sounds. You find that at the pirate radio station, they usually play different sounds which are so different from the other stations. Often you find them playing certain musical styles such as House, UK garage, Drum n Bass, reggae, Grime plus other numerous old skools genres. All these are personal but try to catch so many people hence you find that most of the people usually try to tune in to the pirate radio station so that they can listen at the music playing which is so much attractive. Most of these musics which are played are usually aimed at certain societies and communities so that the can be in a position to learn from them. It is in this music that most of the communities can have the chance to listen songs from their own languages. Many people tend to enjoy these types of songs since most of them are usually more of traditional and telling them about there own culture hence many people can not avoid listening to them. (Jo Tacchi, 2001). Impacts of the pirate radio station in the United Kingdom Pirate radio has done a great deal for the house music and this is done by feeding the public with all the latest underground music despite the fact that it has not been in a position to get the credit it really deserves. You find that this is one of the most entertainment stations in the United Kingdom in the sense that it has been in a position to keep most of the people here fully involved in most of their free times. Music industry is one of the growing sectors not only in the United Kingdom but also in other countries. It is through music that people have been in a position to utilize most of their free times hence leading to less criminals in the society. So you tend to find that its through the pirate radio station that most of the people can spent most of their free times listening to music, news and other records which are produced by the radio station. You find that most of the music usually carries important messages and most of the people can learn from this particular mu sic. Most of the people can change their behaviors through listening to these musics and pirate is a good example since most of the people in united kingdom usually like listening to radio pirate simply because it is well organized. It has a good schedule of doing its activities hence you find that most of the people like listening to its since its so much convenient. They have a variety of programs and these programs always have their set time hence people can be in a position to fix themselves on the p[particular program they really want to listen. It is also not biased like other radio stations. So you find that there is a lot of fun in radio pirate since its not biased at all and it has good music and entertainment which is liked by so many people. People are then in a position to benefit from pirate radio through its many programs, music, entertainment and also news. The whole of the house in the music industry also benefits from the pirate radio since in pirate radio, they pum p out all the current tunes along with all the music favorites and this can be seen as helping keep the scene more alive and also helps by selling huge amounts of new records and also by increasing the total number of DJs in this industry. (Colin, 1996). Promoters benefited through advertisements Many companies and organization have been in a position to benefit from the station since you find that most of the new events or even new products and services which have been produced in the market can be advertised through the radio station hence making the potential customers to be in a position to access them. One a company has produced a new product; the only way it can get this product to the potential customers is through advertisements. The radio advertisements are usually so cheap and available to everyone that why most of the people have preferred this radio station in advertising this product. As a result many people will be in a position to get to know the new product which has been introduced in the market. You find that most of the new events by these promoters are advertised through the pirate radio hence leading to the growth of the economy. The pirate radio station will also benefit in that it has received so many clients who wish to advertise their many products in that particular station hence they have been in a position to record huge profits. Many people also benefit from the pirate radio station in that it tends to help the less fortunate in the society. Not everyone in the many societies we come from has been blessed with wealth. There are a few elements who are termed as poor simply because they can not help them and a good example is the disabled, orphans and the elderly in the United Kingdom. The pirate radio station has taken the initiative to help most of these people out of the many profits which they record. So its through this that even the less fortunate in the society have been in a position to have improved standards of living. (Colin, 1996). Record sales The pirate radio has had a big impact on the record sales. There is a symbiotic relationship between the pirate radio and the record sales industries. You find that the radio pirate has grown hand in hand with the recording industry in that most of these recorded usually use the radio to advertise their new songs among other things. As a result, you find that these people have been in a position to increase their sales in that they usually advertise them through the radio. They too charge few charges as when compared to other radio stations hence meaning that it has been giving good services and that is why most of the people in the United Kingdom use this particular radio. It is also not biased. Many of the Djs in UK have been in a position to excel in this industry through the radio pirate. You find that most of the DJs have been in a position to play their mixes over air. Most of these DJs market themselves through these stations since many funs in UK usually listen the pirate rad io. So when they are marketed, then they are in a position to sell more records hence increasing their living standards. Most of the Djs have become millionaires through this industry and this is out of the many record sales they get. They have been in a position to have increased standards of living which is the basic goals for most of these musicians. Due to the large number of people who usually listen at this particular radio station, it has been in a position to benefit a lot from it. (Sian, 1996). Job creation This particular radio station is one of the employment industries in most of the people in UK. Here you find that most of the young and the youth have been in a position to secure good jobs from this particular radio. It employs so many people so that they can be in a position to meet the growing demand of people. This is because most of the people like the business men, musicians, and government activities have relied so much on the radio pirate when advertising its many activities or even the new products which are produced in the market. It is as a result of this growing demand that many people have been in a position to get jobs through this industry. At the end of the day you find that the economy has been in a position to grow so much since unemployment is one of the leading factors to poverty in a country. You find that when there is a large number of people who are not employed, then it will mean that most of the countries resources will be used to help these people not worki ng. This is because the employed get the unemployed benefits so when they have a job, it will mean that the government will use these resources on other sectors which can be beneficial to all people and a good example is the education sector. So with this, the pirate radio has played a big role in occupying these people in the many roles which are available in this sector. This is because the radio station has so many departments and it is in these departments that many people have been in a position to secure good jobs. So you find that the society too benefits from this a lot. (Paddy, 1996). Increased economic growth Its through the pirate radio that the economy has been in a position to grow. This is because the music industry is one of the growing sectors not only in UK but also in other countries. So you find that due to the many profits which are got by the pirate radio station, the government has been in a position to get high revenues from highly taxing them. This is out of the many profits which they get. So you find that its through taxing these radio station that the government has been in a position to increase its economic growth. The money which is collected as tax can then be used in other important sectors like in the provision of free health services to the needy people in the society. Also it is out of the many profits which it gets that the members of the public have been in a position to benefit from the same through the selling of many shares. Since this particular sector accrues so many benefits, the members of the public have been in a position to benefit from the advantages of this company. This is through buying of the companies shares which are usually sold. Its through buying these shares that they have been in a position to have increased standards of living since this is a form of investment in that its through buying these shares that they sell them when there prices are high hence leading to huge profits from them. So you find that the members of the public have been in a position to benefit from the resources of the pirate radio and the many profits which are got by it. (Colin, 1996). Community development The pirate radio has benefited the communities so much through the various programmes which people listen from them. They usually introduce a number of programmes that are already having a number of impacts to the members of these societies. One of the programmes in this case in the community focus groups. This is one of the programmes which basically focus on the community activities hence its through listening these programmes that the community has been in a position to develop. The farmers plus other interest groups are usually asked by the radio station to identify key issues which they need to be aired to other people. A good example is the farmers in that they usually have a programme which is supposed to encourage farmers so that they can have increased production. Some of the successful farmers are usually brought in to the studio whereby they usually tell people how they have succeed through farming and the best tools and strategies which farmers can apply so that they can be in a position to succeed in farming. Its through these that most of the farmers in the communities can take time and try to learn from this particular radio station. Also some of the government officials are also invited to respond to the concerns which were raised by the various groups. So you find that when an issue has been brought by the particular interest group like the case with the farmers, then a government official who is specifically concerned with that sector is invited in the studio and tries to answer the many questions are asked by the interest groups. So this is one of the ways in which the pirate radio has brought the members of the community in to close contact with the government and they can air their grievances to them whenever there are matters which need to be discussed. As a result, the community has been in a position to benefit in that they can get the correct advice and the basics which they require from the government hence leading to community develop ment in return. (Kevin, 1998). Despite the advantages the pirate radio station has had, it also has some disadvantages to the people who normally watch at these stations. You find that most of the programs which are watched by people especially the young people could have some negative impacts on them. For example they have certain songs which can mislead most of the young people. So you will find that most of the young children usually spent most of their times listening to radio and this can have an impact on their performance in education. So when it comes to the young children in the society, the children will learn both the good and the bad languages which are in the music most of the musicians usually sing. At the end of the day you will find that the community will have so many deviants hence leading to immoral society. Another disadvantage is that is sometimes biased in that it tends to favour that government. So during times like during elections, the government will tend to use this particular media so that it can get most of the people in the society. These people are usually paid so that they can side with the government hence meaning that the members of the public will be misused through this particular radio station and tends to manipulate people to be on the side of the government. (Kevin, 1998). Conclusion Radio stations usually have a great impact to the members of the public. This is out of the many roles in which these radio stations have. Most of the radio stations usually have differentiated ways in which they present their activities and this is important in any organization since its one of the main ways by which an organization can realize its set goals and objectives. People would like listening to radio stations that have a diversified range of activities and programmes which would benefit people and the society at large. For instance they play the role of educating most people in the societies. For example the pirate radio station has taken the initiative of a good leader and hence does this through enlightening people on the society. It is through this initiative that the members of the public will tend to benefit through the many programmes which are facilitated. So the radio stations are very much crucial in ones life and one can imagine a world without a radio station. I t can as a result of the new technology and its one of the cheapest technology which most people can afford as when compared to other Medias like the television, the internet among others. As a result its through it that many people have been in a position to benefit through the education and the type of entertainment they get from them. So pirate radio station has made a difference in many people lives since they are not the same again. They have improved their living standards through listening the many programs which are found in this radio station. Reference Jo Tacchi, J. (2001): ‘Who listens to Radio? The role of Industrial audience research. No News is Bad News: Radio, Television and the Press .London: Longman, pp.137-156) Colin, S. (1996): The British press and broadcasting since 1945. 2nd edition. Blackwell. Martin, S. Cindy W, (2002); On Air: Methods and Meanings of Radio .Arnold, 2002. Sian, N. (1996): The Echo of War: Home Front Propaganda and the Wartime BBC 1939-45. Manchester University Press, 1996. Sian, N. (2002): ‘All the News thats fit to Broadcast: the popular press versus the BBC, 1922-1945, in P.Cattterall, C.Seymour Ure and A. Smith, eds, Northcliffes Legacy: Aspects of the British Popular Press, 1896-1996, (Macmillan, 2000), pp.121-148 Paddy, S. (1996): Radio, television and modern life: a phenomenological approaches Blackwell, 1996. Paddy, S. David, C. (1991): A Social History of British Broadcasting. Volume One 1922-1939. Serving the Nation. Blackwell. Colin, S. (1996): The London press and broadcasting. Manchester University Press, 1996. Michael, T. (1998): The Decline and fall of Public Service Broadcasting. OUP, 1998. Kevin, W. (1998): Get me a murder a day! A history of mass communications in Britain Arnold, 1998.
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