Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Personal Characteristics Of Counselors
Personal Characteristics Of Counselors The objective of this research paper is to discuss the personal attributes that are required in a physically and emotionally healthy counselor. A healthy counselor has a positive effect on his or her client. The field of counseling is becoming significant part of peoples life. This paper establishes its basis on the conflict of values of counselor and its effects. Another important aspect of the paper is to research about consequence of counselors-in-training interacting with clients prior to their masters level training. It will highlight the consequences of engaging in practice prior to the training and its effect on capability of handling the clients issues and queries. This could also lead to issues with the credibility of the counselor. These aspects are studied through literature and case studies done by other writers. Different researches conducted in the past are the major source of information. Foundation of this paper is based on the personal characteristics that a counselo r should possess and their values. Personal Characteristic of Counselors Counseling is about giving advice and guiding the clients through their difficult times. It relates to the mental health and emotional state of the client. People seek counseling for their careers, jobs, relationships, addictions and general issues of their lives. Counseling is usually used as a synonym for psychotherapy. When in difficult times family and friends are unable to help someone, they seek for guidance, strength and answers from their counselor. Counseling is practices in sessions of an hour or so for once or twice in a week. Counselor and client both play vital roles in the recovery of client. Counselors expertise will be of no use if client does not fully share his or her problem. So, both have to be supportive and persistent while conducting these sessions. Counseling is a field that requires patience, rational thinking and empathy. Counselors make a difference in the lives of other people. It is important for a counselor to feel empathy for the client. As Guidon (2010)describes, a sympathetic person wants to solve the issue him/herself but a person who feels empathy does not mix clients problem with their own. Counselors lead a demanding life. Their clients require not only their time and advice but also trust and care. Therefore, a counselor needs to have very specific qualities in their personality in order to provide effective service to their clients. Other than the obvious personal abilities like interpersonal skills, counselors require many personality traits to be effective and efficient. Corey (2009) says that there are many characteristics of counselors which seem unrealistic but these are equally essential for any counselor. Before giving advice to clients, a counselor him/herself needs to be sure of their capabilities. Since rity and honesty are very important in this field. A counselor needs to be observant, active listener, interviewing, influential and focused. The effective councilor also requires a sound knowledge of theory and ability to put theory into practice (Gregoire Jungers, 2007). Corey (2009) states that it is very important for effective counselor to maintain healthy boundaries, this way they should be able to maintain a balance between their personal and professional lives. Corey also concluded from his research that counselor should have a good sense of humor in order to lighten the mood. Guindon (2010)believes that clients give a counselor many non-tangible gifts like trust, care and confidence. Corey (2009) also says that the relationship of client and counselor helps both parties. Consolers learn how to admit their mistakes and become open to change in their lives. McLoead (2011)discusses the qualities of people who are drawn to the field of counseling. Usually people who become counselors believe that relationships are the most important aspect of human life. They are also firm believers in the values that prove the worth of people and they are clear about their role in society and their future goals. Another most important personal trait of counselor is to be honest and keep the privacy of patient. It is their moral and professional obligation. Values and its Confilcts Values are the standard held by people about what is desired, proper and acceptable. It gives people a criterion of standards for shaping their lives. Both personal and professional values are important. Personal values affect the way of interaction with the client. Personal values of a consoler are developed as he/she grows up; they depend upon the upbringing and culture in which the counselor spends most of the time. Personal values include honesty, truth, helping others, doing meaningful work and positive influence on others (Corey, 2009). There is always a chance that the personal values of a counselor conflicts with the work values. Busacca (2010) tells that personal values conflict with the work values. If a counselor has a personal belief that a terminally ill person should have the right to end their lives; however, he cannot impose this thinking on anyone else. Studies show that counselors, while training, question their self-concepts with those requires for their field of w ork. Counselors have appeared to be molding themselves in their professional values after certain period of time. They have to create their own boundaries in which they want to practice. Research (Sanders, 2003) shows that cultural difference between client and counselor can have a major impact on the relationship and therapy. The personal biases on either side can result in failure of professional values and ethics. High level of sincerity can reduce the cultural barrier among client and counselor. The counselor has to have a non-judgmental attitude towards the client regardless of his/her personal values. Campbel Christopher (2012)also say that the counselor has to be physically, mentally, emotionally and cognitively on the same level with the client at all times. Mostly, counselors have to deal with grief counseling for their clients. Counselors, who are more self-aware and comfortable in sharing their feelings, are more efficient and effective at their work (Ober, Granello, Wheaton, 2012). Professional values determine the role of a person in organization and the ability of balancing work and family. Work values of counselor include taking responsibility, empathies, develop counseling style, share responsibility with client and tolerate ambiguity. The common issues where conflict of values occurs are religion, sexual orientation and someones right to die. Serious consequences might occur as a result of these conflicts (Guindon, 2010). We can conclude that personal values of counselors can conflict with the professional values. However, strong personal values will work in favor of the counselors. A counselor with strong moral and ethical values will have a positive influence on the clients. Whereas if a counselor doesnt practice honesty, integrity and privacy of others than he or she is more likely to face difficulty in understanding a client with strong moral values. Although a counselor cannot impose their personal values on clients but they can have a very positive effect in influencing and helping the client in their difficult times. If there is a strong disagreement between the values then it might result in referral to another counselor but most of the times this conflict can be resolved with cold-mindedness and rational thinking. Trainee Counselor Survey (Busacca, Beebe, Toman, 2010) shows that practicing counselors show matured level of values than trainee counselors. Yager Tovar-Blank (2007) also comment that counseling is a profession which is very stressful, tiring and with constant threat of fatigue and burn out. Trainee counselors do not completely practice cognitive counseling and usually under their instructors influence. For students of counseling it is very important to learn the wellness of the client and themselves. The curriculum has to be designed in such a way that they are completely aware of this idea and its implications. Grief counseling is a very important aspect of psychotherapy. If the trainees indulge themselves in practice before understanding the importance of wellness, skill and knowledge required for grief counseling, they are bound to miss lead the client. Without the masters level training, the trainee counselors are not fully prepared to help the client and understand the delicate nature of the job. At this level, trainees themselves are in conflict with requirements of their profession and their personal moral and ethical values and beliefs (Ober, Granello, Wheaton, 2012). Statistics by Gaubatz Vera (2006)show that only 4-5% trainees enrolled in master or doctoral program are prevalent than those in undergraduate level. Statistic also shows that only 10% of students enrolled in maters program are suitable for the field of counseling. However, Woodside (2007) says that it is better for trainee counselors to interact with the clients. But, this interaction should be under the guidance of a practicing professional counselor. Internships are a very effective way of learning by example. Yager Tovar-Blank, 2007 (2007) on the other hand is of the opinion that if an emotionally unstable student is enrolled in counseling program then the course should be deigned in such a way that it should enlighten the student and make him self-aware. If such a student practices before being properly trained, he will not be able to understand the client and might make the situation worse of the client. The research (Woodside, Oberman, Cole, Carruth, 2007) shows that the student of undergraduate level is not fully matures and trained. Most of them show signs of anxiety and confusion about converting theory into practice. Those who feel confident are not fully trained and hence experience disanointed clients and they themselves become more confused. There are three basic stages of counselors professional development including the helper, the beginning student and the advanced student. Passing through various techniques and training, trainees reach the next level of their professional development. Another research (Busacca, Beebe, Toman, 2010) shows that at training level counselors-to-be explore their inner values and self-concept. This stage defines who they actually are and what they actually want to be. Being self-aware and knowing personal characteristics is as important as learning the theories of counseling. Once they are clear about their own values, they can determine the b ounties in which they want to work. Not everyone can work in a profession that demands occasional conflicts of personal and professional values and ethics. Hence, keeping the view of the research conducted by various experts, we can say that trainees who start seeing clients before their masters level training are bound to suffer a shock. They will not be able to handle the clients. Their own values will not be in sync with their professional demands. Being not fully self-aware and lack of proper training might lead them not only to a dissatisfied client but they might also add to the misery of their client. If they give advice according to their personal ethics and values rather than professional values, their clients will doubt their sincerity towards them. All in all, it will not be a good decision to practice before having some masters level training. Conclusion Counseling is not only a profession but also a great responsibility. It is a vast field which includes career counseling, grief counseling, behavior therapy, heath counseling and also covers issues like addiction, mental health and relationship issues. Clients confine everything in their therapist and seek their guidance in various aspects of their lives. To become a counselor, one has to possess certain qualities like theoretical knowledge of personality, empathy for clients situation, understanding behavior, attentive listening ability and power of deduction. After studying the literature pertinent to personality and values of a counselor, it can be concluded that both of these are very important for the professional development of a counselor. Their personality not only defines who they are but also determines how efficient they are in their profession. Strong moral and ethical values of a counselor can make the relationship with clients stronger. Clients will rely on the counselor for his/her advice. If in-training counselors try to treat their patients before master level training, they are more likely to have cognitive issues and difficulty in dealing with their own personality and work value conflict. So, it is better to start practicing once you are finished with training so that there is no confusion between personal and work values.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Physics in Sports Essay -- essays research papers fc
Physics in Sports      When many people think of sports, the topic of physics doesn't always come to mind. They usually don't think about connecting athletics with academics. In reality math, science, and especially physics, tie into every aspect of sports. Sports are a commonality that brings nations together, Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is said to an unspoken language, which unties people from different lands through a passion to play a game. Athletics and sports are made by the people who play, watch, and study them. Without all of the enthusiastic participants, there would be no development, education, and intensity that we all know and love about sports. The one component that reigns over the world of sports that most people don't realize is physics, Gravity, uniform circular motion, projectile motion, and constant acceleration are a few that occur in every sport event that has ever taken place.      In the three articles that I chose to write about the concepts of physics are explained in each one. In every article there is the similarity that physics and technology are the reasons for the advances in the sports. In the first article it is evident by the statement, â€Å"High-tech bats have so enhanced players’ power that some leagues have taken to limiting the number of home runs a team can hit.†(Jay Greene 2,3) Even in the second article with the statement, â€Å"The higher we can get the COR, the faster the ball would shoot off from the â€Å"collision†– it would go further.†(Coefficient of Restitution 2,1) Lastly in the third article when the author stated, â€Å"Clearly, pole-vaulting is an example of a sport in which technology has been used to improve athletic performance.†(The Physics of pole-vaulting ) Without physics these technological advances could not be made. Although these technological advances do nt come without some issues attached. With the new technology of the carbon and fiberglass bats, questions can be asked like, is there a point where advancements have gone too far? If bats are continuing to be modified and made to hit the ball farther, what will happen to the game of baseball? Already some bats are being banned from leagues and players feel they have to take more safety precautions because of the potential injury from the ball speed. I really believe that the bat industry... ...hysics in sports in general, I can see new developments taking place and new terms being discovered in years to come.      In conclusion these articles and my research of physics in sports showed me that physics is everywhere. Physics is not only used in sports but in everyday life. The ways physics can help society are endless. Physics in sports is only a small example of how understanding things like vectors, trampoline effect, and strain energy can advance a sport so much. In doing this project I really learned that physics is so much more than just equations and scientific terms. It’s a way of life, it’s a way to really improve the world and make it a better place and I appreciate physics a lot more now for that. Bibliography â€Å"High-Tech Homers.†Business Week Online. 2004. Business Week. 4/2/05 http://businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_30/b3893095_mz018.htm. â€Å"Coefficient of Restitution.†Golf Stars Online. 2001-2005 Golf Stars. 4/2/05 http://www.golfstarsonline.com/golfclubs/cor.htm. â€Å"The Physics of pole-vaulting.†Neo Vault 2003-2005 A Pole Vault Resource 4/2/05 http://www.neovault.com/articles_physics_of_pole_vaulting.asp.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Palm patent infringment issue Essay
This memo is to recommend that ttools should stop negotiations with Palm and take immediate legal action through patent litigation means. This action is needed in order to protect ttools’ innovation and for survivability of ttools business. Based on the design patent and non-disclosure agreement with Palm it is very clear that Palm has committed the infringement hence chances of ttools winning of litigation case are high. There are high chances that Palm might consider to settle the litigation before going to the trial of the case as they knew that they have committed the patent infringement. Even if Palm goes for the trial, chances of ttools winning are high because they clearly have sufficient prove that the patent violation had happened. Once the litigation action initiated there is a good chance Palm might start negotiation with ttools for licensing or royalty sharing agreement if not for paying the infringement losses. Though costs of pursuing litigation case are high, it’s the only credible and plausible alternative ttools has to win investors’ confidence to invest more money into ttools business. As a startup company with minimal capital, the risk involved around this proposal to incur huge legal costs is high. Ttools has very well written utility patent issued, the nondisclosure agreement signed by Palm, in addition to the clear infringement of the patent are strong factors to file litigation charges. Ttools need to convince it’s our investors that their patent is a strong asset for the company and shall seek their help to invest in the litigation expenses. Looking at the other alternatives, it’s evident that they will not yield any positive outcome since ttools does not have any bargaining power to negotiate or the resources to compete with Palm. Innovation and intellectual property rights are ttools are the strengths of ttools and it should focus on leveraging it s strengths to compete with Palm. Based on the recent communications with Palm, it is clear that they are not interested in negotiating with ttools despite the fact that they have reminded them about infringement. Palm is already in a contract with IDEO to design a stylus similar to ttools which means that Palm will cease to publish any ads about ttools products from their online newsletter. Negotiating or competing without taking any action to stop infringement of its intellectual property would not enable ttools to leverage its core organizational strengths in competing with Palm. In its current state ads through the online newsletter is the most helpful marketing tool for ttools to reach out to the PDA owners. If Palm stops publishing ads which is highly likely action from Palm’s perspective in order to promote their own product ttools need to develop their own marketing capabilities. Even if they start their marketing campaign, ttools might not be able to compete Palm in terms of resources and market reach. The other alternative of ceasing negotiation and competing with Palm might not be very effective because of the fact that we do not have the capabilities to set a solid ground for such competition. Even if ttools start competing based on its superior pricing and material quality, Palm could easily match its pricing and material quality as long as they could infringe ttools product design. If ttools does not file litigation charges, Palm has not compelling reason to negotiate with ttools for distribution agreement or continue to support online ads for ttools products. Filing litigation charges gives ttools the bargaining power it needs to strike any deal or do any negotiation with Palm, without these legal action Palm has no reason to negotiate and ttools didn’t have any strength to compete.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Awakening, the Story of an Hour, and Desirees Baby
The Awakening, The Story of an Hour and Desiree’s Baby By: Destiny Frye Title The Awakening: The novel was titled â€Å"The Awakening,†because the main character Edna Pontellier goes through a series of liberations that cause her to â€Å"awaken†or become aware of her The Story of an Hour: The title refers to the actual duration of the story. All the events that take place in the story can happen in the time frame of an hour. Desiree’s Baby: The title refers to one of the main characters, Armand Aubigny, not claiming his child after finding out that the child as of different race; therefore giving all ownership of the baby to the mother, Desiree. Author amp; Purpose Kate Chopin was born Katherine O’Flaherty on February 8, 1850, in†¦show more content†¦When Desiree was fully grown Armand one day saw her and instantly fell in love, and they were married despite her unknown background. When Madame arrives she is surprised at how much the child has grown in four weeks, and Desiree tells her how much Armand has changed. She says that Armand is so proud to be a father that he stopped frowning as much and hasn’t punished the slaves once since the baby was born. His happiness makes Desiree feel ecstatic. The rising action consists of Desiree feeling uneasiness and people who see the baby getting a sense that something is unusual about it. Armand starts to avoid Desiree and the baby while in the home and he even starts to stray away for long periods without giving an excuse to Desiree. Desiree dared not to ask for an explanation. The climax consists of Desiree sitting on her bed one hot afternoon, and noticing that her sleeping child and the quadroon boy fanning him are the same color. She dismisses the boy and asks Armand who arrives a short while later what it means. He tells her that it means that she and the baby are not white. In the falling action Desiree writes a letter to Madame telling her of what’s going on and asking her to tell them than it’s untrue. Madame replies to the letter, but neither confirms nor denies Desiree being white. She simply tells her to return home with her baby. Desiree shows the letter to theShow MoreRelatedAn Examination Of How Kate Chopin s Work1298 Words  | 6 PagesComp/Lit Essay 2 (Mulry) Sellers, James R – 920022413 Due Date: April 20, 2015 An Examination of How Kate Chopin’s Works Taken Together Contribute to our Understanding of Her Time and the Place of Women in Society Looking at themes present in his short stories and novels, Kate Chopin presents examples of female strength and an assertive rebellion to the social norms during the late 1800s. 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