Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Obesity in Western Culture Essay
Within our constantly evolving and ever-changing Western world, what is deemed as being deviant has shifted and adapted to suit the norms and values of society at large. Thus, deviancy can be defined as behaviour that violates the normative rules, understandings or expectations of social systems. The issue of obesity has become increasingly prominent within Western society and is deemed as being deviant due to its wide unacceptance throughout society. In applying the ‘Functionalism’ perspective of deviance on obesity, the ways in which society attempts to handle and understand this issue is further outlined and explained. Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is considered the healthy range. Individuals who are obese have a much higher amount of body fat than is healthy or recommended. Adults with a body mass index (BMI, calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) greater than 25 kg/m2 but less than 30 kg/m2 are considered overweight (Insel, Turner, Ross, 2009). The ways in which those who classify as ‘obese’ are perceived and portrayed by society are, within a Western society fixated on image and obsessed with reaching physical ‘perfection’, often negative and highly critical. The media plays a crucial role in shaping the idea’s and values our society holds. As we are constantly bombarded with images of ‘idealistically thin celebrities, it becomes evident that those who do not fit this normality are excluded from social acceptance and pressured into losing weight and fitting in. A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald stated that; â€Å"while there was sympathy for underweight models because of possible eating disorders, those with overweight body shapes were blamed for not doing something to lose weight†(Gray, 2010). It is evident here that although there is some negativity urrounded with being ‘underweight’, super-thin models and celebrities continue to be represented as acceptable throughout the media, whereas those classified as ‘obese’ are rejected from mainstream society and blamed for not taking the initiative to lose weight. As we concentrate more on what is considered to be ‘physically attractive’, we lose sight of the various biological, genetic, and noncontrollable etiological factors (Puhl, Shwartz, Brownell, 2005) that relate towards obesity. Thus, negative stereotypes and stigmas are placed upon the obese, further strengthening heir label of deviancy. In a recent study conducted by Yale University, the perceived social consensus on attitudes toward obese people was tested. Three experiments were created towards educating the participants on the issue of obesity in hope of reducing the bias stereotypes and stigmas our society has successfully created towards the obese. (Puhl, Shwartz, Brownell, 2005). The study describes how the consensus attitude towards obesity prevents the reduction of stigmatizing and excluding the obese from mainstream society as people in general feel a sense of security and ‘approval’ in following the beliefs of the majority. Thus, if we as a society take greater acknowledgment in the causes of obesity and perhaps even empathize towards those labeled as obese; the idea of obesity as being a form of deviance could potentially shift throughout the long term. The ways in which the ‘obese’ are negative stigma held towards obesity by society at large. According to David F. Williamson of The New England Journal of Medicine (1999), it is crucial that doctors encourage greater weight loss towards obese patients as obese people are â€Å"twice as ikely to die from any cause as people of normal weight. †Society then not only recognizes obese people as being â€Å"obscene, lazy, slothful and gluttonous†(Adler, Adler 2000) but also as ill, and in a sense, ignorant towards the consequences of their poor state of health. As modern technology continues to develop and treatment options further increase, obesity becomes more and more deviant throughout society. Procedures such as ‘liposuction’ are becoming more available, with surgeries having increased 21 5 percent since 1992 (Naisbitt, Naisbitt, Philips 2001). Although ndergoing plastic surgery has not yet attained complete social acceptance, procedures such as liposuction reduce the consequence of the obese being labeled deviant due to their status. In contrast, the way obese people perceive and view themselves is largely impacted by the constant discrimination and criticism carried out by society at large. Although it can be said that in the presence of other obese people there is a greater sense of acceptance and understanding, the self-representation of obese people is generally negative and painful. According to an article on ABC news, one obese female stated hat â€Å"(you feel like) you have no right to exist as you are. Feeling as though this body is an outlaw body’ (Stark, 2004). The majority of obese people often view themselves as outsiders to the social norms of image and feel as though there is a ‘culture of blame’ (AN’, 2008) constantly against them. There have been studies undergone which illustrate the reluctance amongst obese patients to seek preventive health care services due to the embarrassment of their weight, and perhaps even the feeling of being criticized by physicians (Fontaine, Faith, Allison, & Cheskin cited in Puhl, Shwartz, Brownell, 2005). This clearly shows that obese people themselves are not content within their condition and recognize their deviant label within society. Although they inevitably feel the pressure to lose weight, the embarrassment of yet again being Judged and criticized by healthcare professionals prevents them from doing so. The Functionalist approach to deviance can be applied to obesity in many ways. Functionalism was developed by Emile Durkheim and illustrates how the institutes within society function and maintain social equilibrium. A functionalist analysis of eviance begins with looking at society as a whole rather than focusing on the individual. â€Å"It looks for the source of deviance in the nature of society rather than the biological explanations or psychological nature of the individual†(Covington, 1999). In this regard, applying functionalism to obesity becomes difficult as obesity is initially a personal health concern. Both biological and psychological aspects contribute towards obesity which then labels the individual as deviant, proving that rather than focusing on the nature of society at large for explanations on deviancy, it is equally ital to focus on the obese individual to understand their deviant label. Inevitably, this can be recognized as a weakness within the functionalist argument. In contrast, applying functionalism to obesity presents much strength in understanding why education have had to shift and develop in order to combat the obesity epidemic and create greater equilibrium within Western society. Australian schools have recognized the deviant nature of obesity, mainly due to its associated health risks, and have recently began enforcing healthy eating and exercise habits (Hareyan, 006). School systems have recognized that many families are unable to teach their children healthy habits, so have taken upon this role to maintain the social order within society. Alongside this, there has been a vast increase in weight-loss alternatives (rather than simply the gym, or perhaps surgery) to suit the modern, working individual. ‘Quick weight loss pills and detox diets are now more on the market than ever before and are available to anyone willing to pay. Functionalism revolves around creating solutions to maintain social order, and in regards to obesity, any actions have been taken as obesity is seen as a deviant act which disrupts the balanced functioning of society. In conclusion, obesity has been labeled as a deviant act within modern Western society as it violates what the consensus recognizes as ‘normal’ behaviour. It is increasingly less acceptable with those carrying the status left facing the consequences of social Judgment and exclusion. In applying the functionalist theory, the deviant nature of obesity can be further outlined and understood as a problematic issue within contemporary society.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Nation under God Essay
The argument regarding the use of the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance is not a new one. In fact, this argument stems from the long standing principle of separation between the church and the state which is embodied in the First Amendment of the United States constitution. Under this principle, the government and the church are to be kept separate from each other. The government is prohibited from encouraging or advancing any of the interests of a single religion. This means that the government cannot promote a single religion or impose upon its people which religion to follow (Clark 1965). It is a blanket prohibition that prevents the government from intervening in the religious beliefs of people. The second aspect of this principle recognizes that the government will invariably have to deal with religious institutions one way or the other (Clark 1965). The doctrine on the separation of church and state therefore also regulates the dealings between the church and state such that there should only be a minimal and incidental interference from the government. This is also known as the rule on excessive entanglement between the church and the state. The problem with the use of the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance is considered as a violation of the doctrine on the separation of the church and state because many religious groups claim that the use of the term God favors the Christian religion which prominently uses the term God for the Supreme Being. Other groups on the other hand argue that the word God as used in the Pledge of Allegiance is not an advancement of the Christian religion but rather an acknowledgment of some higher being that is common to all religions. This short discourse will seek to shed more light on the issue of the use of the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance. The first part will cover the historical background of the insertion of the word God in an attempt to understand the original meaning of the word God as used in the Pledge of Allegiance. The next segments will cover the points of view from the perspective of the state as contrasted to the perspective of the church on the issue. Historical Background of the Insertion of the Word God: There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the use of the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance particularly with its mandatory recitation in the public school classrooms. Most of controversy revolves around the use of the phrase â€Å"under God. †It was not until June 14, 1954 however that this highly contested phrase was inserted (Whitsitt 1896). The original tenor of the pledge of allegiance which was created by Francis Bellamy on September 7, 1892 read as follows: I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Historical Changes of the Pledge of Allegiance 1892: â€Å"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. †1892 to 1923: â€Å"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. †1923 to 1954: â€Å"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. †1954 to Present: â€Å"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. †The original tenor of the Pledge of Allegiance did not contain any reference to any deity whatsoever. In response to this, the Knights of Columbus of New York City urged the assemblies to insert a reference to a deity since they felt that it was incomplete without one. The deity to which the Knights of Columbus referred to was the same one that was referred to in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (Whitsitt 1896). The words â€Å"under God†as used in Lincoln’s address, according to the Knights of Columbus, was the most appropriate one to add to the Pledge of Allegiance. It is important to note however that the phrase â€Å"under God†was never contained in the original text of the Gettysburg Address. By April 22 of the year 1951, the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus formally adopted a resolution to amend the recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by the members of the Knights of Columbus at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words â€Å"under God†after the words â€Å"one nation†(Whitsitt 1896). It was not long before the whole organization had adopted the same resolution as the idea spread throughout the other Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution at its annual meeting recommending the that the change in the Pledge of Allegiance be made universal and soon petitions and copies of the resolution were sent to the Office of the President, the Vice President, who was the Presiding Officer of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. While the attempts of the Knights of Columbus were unsuccessful, they were able to convince a majority of the relevance of inserting such a phrase and soon the movement began to gain momentum (Whitsitt 1896). It was not until Senator Homer Ferguson who in his report to the United States Congress on March 10, 1954 that the movement had begun to make significant progress. In this privileged speech, Senator Ferguson said, â€Å"The introduction of this joint resolution was suggested to me by a sermon given recently by the Rev. George M. Docherty, of Washington, D. C. , who is pastor of the church at which Lincoln worshipped. †By this time Congress concurred with the Oakman-Ferguson resolution, and Eisenhower opted to sign the bill into law on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. The rationale for the approval and adoption of the phrase â€Å"under God†was clarified by President Eisenhower in a letter which he wrote in August of 1954 (Bradley 1996). These words [â€Å"under God†] will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded. This was actually taken from the sermon of Docherty to which President Eisenhower had taken a great interest in (Whitsitt 1896). It was eventually published by Harper & Bros. in New York in 1958 and President Eisenhower took the opportunity to write to Dr. Docherty with gratitude for the opportunity to once again read the fateful sermon. Finally, on Flag Day, June 14, 1954, Congress passed the legislation that add the phrase â€Å"under God†to the Pledge of Allegiance. At this point, it can be argued that the insertion of the word God into the Pledge of Allegiance was actually motivated by some religious influence, particularly the Christian religion. In order to have a better understanding of the issue at hand however it is important to briefly examine the import of the doctrine of the Separation of the Church and the State. Doctrine of the Separation of Church and State: The phrase, â€Å"separation of Church and State†, is actually from a letter that was written by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, to a group that called themselves the Danbury Baptists. In the letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote that, â€Å"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. †This was of course in reference to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution (Whitsitt 1896). The basic precept of this doctrine is founded on a firm belief that religion and state should be separate. It covers a very wide spectrum, as mentioned in the previous sections of this discussion, ranging from the secularization or elimination of the church to theocracy wherein the state works in tandem with a religion in order to govern over the acts of people (Bradley 1996). The Secularist Perspective: The secularist perspective is that the state should be kept distant from religion and that, in the same vein, the religious institutions should also be free from any governmental interferences. This follows the second aspect of the Doctrine of the Separation of Church and State that dictates that there should be no entanglement between the Church and the State (Bradley 1996). In this perspective, the government is prohibited from citing the authority or influence of a specific religious institution for the justification of its authority (Bradley 1996). While there are some governments that claim religious justifications for their powers such as the Muslim states, the justification for such is based on the emphasis of the relationship for ceremonial and rhetorical purposes only. The acts done by the government are not meant to further the cause of any single religion but are actually for the general welfare and the benefit of the state. The state therefore does not conform to any particular religious doctrine but in fact caters to its own doctrine as mandated by the will of the people and of the Constitution (Clark 1965). Acts such as exemptions from taxation or providing funds for education and charities, though viewed as supporting religion, are in fact welfare based or â€Å"faith based†according to secularists. This reflects the view that temporal authority and spiritual authority should properly operate in complimentary spheres. The spheres where they overlap such as in moral values or property rights are areas where neither should take authority over the other but should instead offer a framework in which society can work these issues out without subjugating a religion to the state or vice versa (Bradley 1996).
Black People and Roberta Essay
Determining the race of Twyla and Roberta from the clouded descriptions in Recitatif is a rather difficult task. The evidence in my opinion leads me to believe that Roberta is white and that Twyla is black. In this paper I will identify situations in this story that reinforce my opinion. I will also explain how minority group treatment influenced my perception of the events in this story. My early impression of Roberta was that of a spoiled country girl with little or no education that opinion was based on her inability to read and her waste of food at meal times. Finishing all your food is a strong force in many black families this waste can be construed as a connection to Roberta being white. The first verbal indication is Roberta’s mother’s refusal to greet Twyla’s mother Mary. This is a strong image of prejudice in my opinion. Roberta’s mother said nothing. She just grabbed Roberta and stepped out of line. Roberta’s mother’s disinterest in meeting a woman of the opposite race makes a convincing argument that she is white and in her mind better than associating with blacks. In the next scene the families were eating Lunch. Twyla made the observation that â€Å"The wrong food is always with the wrong people. †And the connection that â€Å"Maybe that’s why I got into waitress work later-to match up the right people with the right food. †There is a common stereotype that black people love chicken. So the white Roberta having the â€Å"black†chicken could be considered a Mitch match and since Roberta is white she should not have the chicken. The next piece of evidence comes much later when the two old friends are reunited in a supermarket. They have exchanged pleasantries and discussed how well there lives are going. It is obvious to the reader that Roberta is well off financially. Roberta makes the comment â€Å"I was dying to know what happened to her, how she got from Jimi Hendrix to Annandale, a neighborhood full of doctors and IBM executives. Easy, I thought. Everything is so easy for them. They think they own the world. †This statement shows that Twyla is aware of how easy it is for white people to raise their economic class. It can be implied that Roberta made the large advance because she was of the proper â€Å"white†race to make such advancement. The final piece of evidence is When Twyla confronts Roberta on her poor behavior at their encounter in Howard Johnson’s Roberta says â€Å"Oh, Twyla, you know how it was in those days: black-white. You know how everything was. †Roberta here identifies the strong pressure she felt from her peers to not associate with the â€Å"lower†black race. My first indication of Twyla’s race was the way her mother Mary introduced herself. She used the phrase â€Å"Twyyyyyla, baby! †the term â€Å"baby†is commonly associated with older black females. Mary’s reaction to Roberta’s mother’s refusal to shake hands coupled with the loud outbursts on the way to the chapel are also part of what society has deemed as black female behavior. Mary is described wearing â€Å"those ugly green slacks that made her behind stick out†There is a stereotype that black women have large behinds. These examples leads me believe Roberta’s mother is black and so the daughter must be of the same race. Throughout the story Roberta is always depicted in a lower class than Roberta always overshadowed by Roberta. Roberta marries into a higher social standing and has an implied superiority throughout the story. The statement â€Å"Everything is so easy for them. They think they own the world. †Is a common opinion about the social standing of whites in the United States. There are a lot of conflicting data to for both sides of this argument. In my opinion though there is much more evidence that leads the reader to believe that Roberta is white and Twyla is black.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The future technologies of drug delivery systems Essay
The future technologies of drug delivery systems - Essay Example teins or synthetic gene design have matured to the level where they can transferred to industrial applications in recombinant protein design (Kayser & Warzecha, 2012). On the basis on genetic code, numerous proteins that have been approved for clinical use are subjected to alterations. These changes occur in amino acid substitution so as to improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic activity. In addition, these changes also lead to the development of antagonist functionality. These derived proteins with site directed mutations are referred to as muteins and display good pharmacological attributes. Several approved recombinant therapeutic products are engineered post-biosynthesis. From the molecular biology background, post-translational engineering is associated with glycosylation or lipidation post-biosynthesis (Kayser & Warzecha, 2012). A drug delivery system (DDS) is defined as a formulation or device that allows the introduction of a therapeutic substance in the body, such a system is capable of improving the efficacy as well as safety of the substance by controlling the rate, time and place of release of the drug in the body. This process includes the administration of the therapeutic product, the release of active ingredients across the biological membrane to the site of action (Jain, 2008). The majority of the pharmacological attributes of classic drugs can be enhanced by the use of drug delivery systems. These include particulate carriers mostly comprising of polymers and lipids as well as their associated therapeutics. Drug delivery systems are devised to change the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of the drugs. Alternatively, these drug delivery systems function as reservoirs for the associated drugs (Allen & Cullis, 2004). The main objective of medicine and pharmacy is the delivery of any medication at the right time in a safe and reproducible fashion to a particular target and at the appropriate level. However, this requirement is often
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Starbucks company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Starbucks company - Research Paper Example The action for survival remained one of most important inside issues at Starbucks. Two years back, the company declared to close down overall three hundred stores and cutting more than six thousand jobs. Moreover, the pay cut and declined bonus of the higher executives were other marks of the crisis. Â At the same time they got reputation for development of new products and creativity. The availability of the branded coffee in several grocery chains is a remarkable creative effort. In collaboration with Kraft Foods the products were distributed in grocery markets. Starbuck has ended the long term contract, and announced the partnership with Green Mountain in order to improve their business. Moreover, the Starbucks are exposed to rises. The rising cost of coffee and dairy products are another challenge. However, the executives of the company failed to see certain facts. The products and services offered were not fit for the characteristics of market. The customer dissatisfaction iss ue is yet another problem. If retail is all about customer relationship, retail of Starbucks simply not attractive in present market. The current marketing strategies do not necessarily meet its objectives. That reflects the inside state of affairs.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Self reflection 03094 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Self reflection 03094 - Essay Example and models and developed my understanding on how organization can cope up with the problems related to organizational culture and consequently establish harmony in the organizational context efficiently (Cameron and Quinn, 2011). In this reflective essay, I will discuss the critical opinion of researchers regarding organizational culture and its different perspective such as organizational changes, organizational learning and merger- acquisition. Organizational change is the process through which an organization introduces structural changes i.e. changes in its business strategies, technological involvement, operational methods and other attributes of organizational culture. My research has also shown that any organization, operating in the global multinational circumference, organizational change is inevitable for confirming its existence in the ever- changing business world and ensuring smooth running of its operations (Markovic, 2012). I have studied organizational change in the research of Battilana and Casciaro (2012) as a continuous process which is important for any organization to review the internal and external business environment over a distinct period of time and understand whether any changes are required to bring in the organization. My research on the theories introduced by Cameron and Green (2012) has revealed that various internal and external factors existing in the environment in which the business entity is operating, forces its management to bring changes in the organizational process. If I consider the external variables, changes in economic and political regulations such as increase in exchange rate or changes in trade regulations over time highly influences the business to change its short and long term decisions in order to safeguard the organization from realizing huge loss. Technological advancement also influences an organization to bring in changes so that the method of production becomes swifter and economic. In some cases, I
Friday, July 26, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 69
Reflection - Essay Example Poor polythene waste management may form breeding spaces for harmful organisms such as mosquitoes that then cause malaria (European Commission, 2011). It also causes pollution to the environment since the material is not easily degradable. Animals may feed on polythene materials thereby causing an obstruction to their respiratory system, hence death. The toxic fumes from factories producing polythene also affect the people from the surrounding environment. Billions of polythene bags are disposed of globally on a daily basis. From a recent study, at least four polythene bags are used by each household in the world on a daily basis (Ankiro, Ikumawoyi, Olotu, & Olugunagba, 2012). It is, therefore, a critical matter for the world to realize the increasing trends of polythene usage and poor disposal that may lead to greater environmental problems in the future. There should, therefore, be a candid and rapid management programs to prevent such increasing trends. Reducing the use of polythene through selecting products that do not require packaging or using other packaging materials such as paper or glass can help reduce the harm caused by polythene bags. This will diminish the adverse health effects caused by poor polythene waste management. Refillable polythene containers can also be reused to reduce the number of polythene containers disposed. Most importantly, polythene containers can be recycled to and used to produce plastic mobile toilet, bins, waste baskets and other containers. Through this, the unnecessary disposing of such materials would be minimized since the containers will be considered valuable by the recyclers (Partha, 2008). Ankiro, A., Ikumawoyi, O., Olotu, Y., & Olugunagba, M. (2012). Environmental impact of polythene generation and disposal in Akure city, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Agriculture and Biology, 12(3),
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Assess the assertion that an increase in Eucharistic devotion Essay
Assess the assertion that an increase in Eucharistic devotion contributed to a narrowing of medieval society - Essay Example As a result of such circumstances, where individuals in the society were content with their lot, most of the population of medieval Europe could neither read nor does write, leaving these to the higher rank of the priesthood. In addition, this period saw the growth of the power of the Church, where almost all of the activities of the Christians in the whole of Western Europe was dictated from Rome, thus solidifying the authority of the Church hierarchy.1 Therefore, the Church established the doctrine, which was followed by medieval Europe, and this more often than not was developed in the Church’s favour, since it worked towards the promotion of its power. While these situations often worked in favour of the church, they had the negative impact of ensuring that there was little development of independent thought within the populace, meaning that the society became narrowed. Among the major causes of the narrowing of medieval society was the practice, instituted by the Church, of Eucharistic devotion, which was a requirement for all of those people who professed the Christian faith during this period. The practice of Eucharistic devotion was a church tradition, which was based in the exhibition of the Blessed Sacrament by a priest so that it could be adored by the faithful. The adoration of the sacrament was considered a sign of the devotion that individuals felt towards Jesus Christ as their saviour. The faithful believed that Christ was present in the form of the consecrated altar bread and their adoration of it meant that they were opening their hearts to receive him. Furthermore, the faithful in medieval Europe, through their devotion to the sacrament, were able to meditate by looking directly at it, adding to the belief that they were participating in the continuation of the Eucharist. The Eucharistic devotion was considered to be a form of the worship of Christ as the saviour, which involved his being present in
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Functions of Re-appropriation in Contemporary Texts About Historical Essay
Functions of Re-appropriation in Contemporary Texts About Historical Events - Essay Example However, reviewing the horrific events there are two sides of the coin. The perpetrators justify their actions while the victims are forced to fight for justice. Any form of violence such as genocide should not be justified but the account of the perpetrators should be considered when trying to understand the motive and the influencing factor leading to a horrific event. Regardless of the accounts of the victim and the perpetrator, the legal framework within which a horrific event occurred should also be evaluated. In the text by Philip the re-appropriation of these legal documents should be done on each and every horrific account to enable the neutral members of the society to understand the psychology of both the victim and perpetrator. This paper will highlight the major horrific events in the modern era. Additionally, the paper will evaluate the legal framework responsible for these events. The accounts of both the victims and perpetrators will be analyzed and how the re-appropriation of specific legal documents may help understand the vents leading to a horrific event. The paper will be compiled in consideration of the works by Heimrad Backer and Nourbese Philip on their different accounts on the modern day horrific events. The main function of re-appropriation of legal documents is to minimize the risks of a repetition of a particular horrific event. For instance, after the occurrence of the holocaust the rivalry between the Jews and the Nazis become more serious. The holocaust was an event where thousands of Jews were massacred in the hands of the Nazis. From this point, the common Jew and the Nazi were mortal enemies. Additionally, the publication and legal address of the events did not ease the pressure between the two functions. In an argument by Backer major publications and legal definitions on the holocaust has
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies - Essay Example Major changes have been elaborated to bring out the descriptive cause and effect based on the observations. The outcome of research ascertained that behavior and performance were affected by unethical haraam practices such as being late for work for no valid reasons, heavy drinking, taking long lunch hours, disrespect and anger when dealing with colleagues and even when addressing her seniors. These findings and results once tabled can be used by other employees as lessons to follow as well as for managers to devise strategies aimed at improving the performance of the most important asset in any organization which is the human resource (Muhammad, & Rehman, 2012). The employee in question has been referred to as an underperformer for his unsatisfactory work performance and failure to undertake her duties as per the standards required. Maryam Qureshi, has also been termed as an employee who did not comply with workplace rules, policies and procedures. In addition, she used to cause disruptive behaviour that impacted on the co-workers. Given the existing economic situations where businesses and profit making organizations are working hard to maximize profits, it is very crucial to make sure that employees respect their lines of duty. However, obtaining 100 percent of employee’s efficiency is not guaranteed as seen in the case study with Maryam. An underperforming worker can affect the bottom line of the company’s objectives, workplace morale, making other employees’ work look more difficult. Thus, the best thing to deal with such a case is to dismiss the staff in question. However to avoid running into legal problems, there are certain procedures that should be followed. For instance, in this case the management has to carry out a substantial performance review process so as to have a sufficient evidence to support the decision of firing Maryam (Burke, & Cooper, 2011). Maryam’s case does not look complicated since
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Unconscionable contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Unconscionable contract - Essay Example In the case at bar, Amy, who was a college student, was led to believe by the salesman that the home theater system, Alpo Model XL2, costs $3,000, when in truth and in fact, the actual standard cost of the theater system is only $1,000. The price given by the salesman was two times higher than the prevailing standard cash market price of the item bought by the buyer. Hence, the â€Å"rent-to-own†contract signed by Amy is considered unconscionable. Under the law, Amy has the remedy to demand the return of the excess $2,000 since the contract price is unconscionable, excessive and unfair on her part. Here, the salesman acted in bad faith at the time of the signing of the â€Å"rent-to-own†contract. Therefore, in order to cure the damage caused to the buyer, Amy can go to court and have the contract declared as unconscionable and oppressive, since there was a violation on the part of the salesman to fulfill his obligation in good faith in accordance with their contract.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Characters of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Characters of Romeo and Juliet Essay In The Prologue of Romeo And Juliet, the fate of the star-crossed lovers, the title characters, is already told. They have been doomed to take their [lives] before the play has even begun. This foretelling of what the audience is about to see displays that the play is about how and why the events unfold, and not what happens. Act Two, Scene Two is an important scene in the play, which is because this is where Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the two children born of the fatal loins of their feuding parents, meet for the second time, after Capulets Masquerade. They fall in love, starting the chain of fated events that cause their deaths. Before meeting Juliet, Romeo was seen to be melancholic; he was supposedly in love with Rosaline, which was unrequited. He seemed to be introspective, and have a very negative outlook; in Act One, Scene One his father, Montague, said that Romeo had been shutting himself [a]way from light in his room. Romeo appeared to have a very poetic, yet bleak, attitude to love. This is demonstrated by Romeos use of extended oxymoron in Act One, Scene One, where he talked of loving hate, and misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms. His poetic words seemed to indicate that perhaps Romeo was not in love, rather in love with the idea of being in love. He spoke of Rosaline, the object of his love, as though she was a deity, even stating she has characteristics of the goddess Diana (she has Dians wit). The goddess Diana was an emblem of chastity, and the object of Romeos affections has taken a vow of chastity. Ironically, Romeo refuses to examine other beauties, as his friend and kinsman Benvolio suggests at the end of Act One, Scene One. In Act One, Scene Five, when Romeo firsts saw, spoke to, and kissed Juliet, he still used decorative language, and said similar to what he had previously said about Rosaline. He said that Juliet doth teach the torches to burn bright, a metaphor, after first seeing her in Act one, Scene Five, after calling Rosaline the all-seeing sun in Act One, Scene Three. This seems to indicate that Romeo is too quick to announce his love, saying of Juliet what he had said not long ago about Rosaline. He did, however, denounce his previous love and say that his love of Rosaline was not comparable to his love for Juliet in Act One, Scene Five, with the rhetorical question [d]id my hear love till now? . In Act One, Scene Three Juliet is seen to be polite and respectful young girl. Her mother, Lady Capulet, who is less close to Juliet than her Nurse, tried to persuade Juliet to marry a suitor that has been chosen for her. Marriage was an honour that [Juliet] dream[ed] not of, being only thirteen years of age. Lady Capulet, in Act One, Scene Three, told her daughter that [t]he valiant Paris seeks [Juliet] for his love. Juliet seemed in no rush to fall in love and marry at such a young age, she stated she would look to like, but no more deep [ ] endart [her] eye. She appeared grounded, with no unrealistic expectations about love, and in no hurry to find a husband, despite her mothers insistence that girls younger than Juliet [are] made already mothers. When Juliet met Romeo for the first time in Act One, Scene Five, although she echoed Romeos poetic and metaphor rich language, she appeared more playful and flirtatious, telling Romeo he kiss[es] by thbook. In Act Two, Scene Two, Romeo speaks of his love for Juliet and watches her after she appears at the window. He compares her beauty to that of the sun: [it] is the east and Juliet is the sun/Arise, fair sun, when she appears at her window. Shakespeare uses this language to depict that Romeo has elevated Juliet to the stature of a goddess. This is reinstated, with Juliets beauty repeatedly being compared to (and bettering) the brightness of celestial objects; Romeo says that the brightness of her cheek would shame [the] stars. Shakespeare used more positive metaphor, repetition, and a less structured and poetic approach to Romeos speech to show that Romeos newly found love of Juliet has effected a change in his language. Romeo is presented as more happy to love, and simply be in the presence of Juliet: he is eager for her to speak again, rather than strike up a conversation instantly. When Romeo begins speaking to Juliet, after hearing her speak of her love and asking why she must love a member of the family she hates, asking wherefore [is he] Romeo? , Shakespeare wants us to understand Romeos devotion to Juliet. Romeo offers to forsake his name, saying that [h]enceforth [he] never will be Romeo demonstrating his willingness to make sacrifices for the love of Juliet. During this scene Shakespeare repeatedly uses names, or words referring to names (for example, name, or called) to show the conflict between language, the words and names, and experience, reality; Juliet states that a rose/By any other word would spell as sweet. Romeo is eager to exchange [Juliets] loves faithful vow for [his], which shows not only Romeos eagerness to prove his unchangeable love to Juliet, but his need to be loved in return. He tries to swear his love many things, including yonder blessed moon, Juliet takes vowing love much more seriously, and asks Romeo not to swear by the inconstant moon as it is too changing to vow such an important thing on. This presents Juliet as a mature girl, who tries to consider the consequences of actions and promises, whereas Romeo is completely absorbed in the idea of love. Juliet is concerned that her and Romeos love is moving too fast, saying that it is too like the lightening. Shakespeare uses this again showing Juliets rationality, but also showing that she is young, love is new to her and she is in no rush. Romeo does not appear to share these concerns; he is more concerned with loving and being loved, only satisfied by Juliets faithful vow. She is however in love with Romeo, and is not happy to see him go, [p]arting is such sweet sorrow, but is eager to see him again. Towards the end of the scene Juliets language becomes more like Romeos in eagerness to vow love, and in use of simile, comparing Romeo to a wantons bird, tethered by her love. Romeos rashness, loyalty, and need to love Juliet and be loved in return are important characteristics that will end up sealing his grim fate at the end of the play. Juliets young age, and contrasting maturity, grounding in reality and strong will in her love will be ever important, and her need to see a plan through will be important factors that help lead her towards her tragic ending. For never was there a story of more woe/Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Psychological research indicating criminals are different from non criminals
Psychological research indicating criminals are different from non criminals Discuss the extent to which psychological research convincingly indicates that criminals are different from non-criminals. The causation of criminality is a prominent concern for our entire society. As a collective society we have what could be described as a vested interest in determining causation. Collectively, as a society we endeavour to live within societial norms and expectations, believing it to be for the common good, we are in possession of a social conscience. But how does the majority of society arrive at such a point? From a societal point of view, we develop our social conscience through the process of socialisation, from primary sources such as our families, secondary, such as schools, a school of thought endorsed by social learning theorists, whereby our behaviour is determined by our environment, we conform to the expectations of our surrounding, by conforming we are participants of the group to which we belong, As a group we believe that how we live is the right and those who do not conform are somehow living beyond the realm of society; That their behaviour is wrong and we who abide by the expected norms are right. But what of the individual within society? What of the individual who develops socially and psychologically to a point that is at odds with societal norms? Can socialisation adequately explain such an occurrence. Indeed what of the individual who arrives at a point whereby they adapt and behave according to society rules and regulations? Is it possible to say one is right and the other is wrong when considering individuality? Social rules and expectations are applied collectively at an individual level. As a society we define laws and regulations and in doing so we define what is deviant, we establish a difference between those who abide and those who do not. These individuals who do not abide by societys rules and regulations are considered abnormal, and those of us who conform and follow are normal. Criminality in this context is considered an abnormality. The idea that criminals are different from non criminals is for some an accepted fact. Early criminology research was based on the belief that the criminal was a separate being from the normal law abiding individual, that criminals where born, as opposed to being made. Cesare Lombroso (1835 1909) an Italian physicist with positivist leanings, hypothesised that criminals where in fact a throwback to earlier stages of the evolutionary process, he described individuals afflicted with this condition as atavistic, claiming that criminals where in possession of physical features which indicated their criminality, such as smaller brains, heavy fleshy jaws, abnormal and asymmetrical skulls. However Lombroso was criticised for studying only convicted criminals and making no comparative research with a control group of non-criminals, it was also suggested that perhaps he was confusing the line between criminality and psychopathology. Whilst these apparent findings hold little stead in modern theories concerning causal factors of criminality, Lombrosos contribution is important as the forerunner for scientific investigation of criminals and their criminality as well as moving away from the idea of humans functioning solely as social beings and drawing attention to human behaviour at the level of the individual. An area of importance to this belief of criminality as a consequence of biological factors is genetics research. Psychologists in Britain during the 1960s purported to have discovered a specific cause of criminality in chromosome abnormalities. Normally, Women are in possession of two X chromosomes while men will have one X and one Y, however research in this area found a high level of convicted criminals had a XYY chromosome, a condition commonly known as XYY syndrome(Sandberg et al 1961). However a subsequent review of these findings by Owen (1972) found that people from all walks of life had this so called abnormality and did not engage in criminal behaviours, it was also found that criminals with this abnormality engaged more so in sexual offences than other offences. Further research conducted in 1976 by Witkin et al did however discover findings which go some way to supporting the hypothesis of the chromosome abnormalities as a causation for criminality; the results of a study of 12 men with the condition found that these men where more likely to engage in criminal behaviours. But the fact remains that members of the general public with this condition do not commit crime and also on the flip side there is a majority proportion of offenders who do not have this condition. The exploration of genetics as a predisposing factor of criminality has three main areas of investigation; family, twin and adoption studies. Family studies are employed based on the idea that family members share the same gene pool and in turn inherit similar characteristics. Osborn and West (1979) conducted research which looked at the sons of men with criminal convictions as well as the sons of men with no criminal convictions, it was found that 40% of the sons of criminals were criminals as opposed to only 13% for the sons of non criminals. However these findings are not definitive in their attempt to establish a genetic predisposition to criminality considering that the children grew up with their fathers, in the same environment, the sons of criminals who themselves engaged in criminality may in fact simply be acting out learned behaviours. However one must also consider why 13% of the sons of non criminals engage in criminality at all, if criminality was determined by genes su rely the rate of criminality in this control group would in fact be zero. While research using family studies has found some significant information indicating that criminality may run in families, it is difficult to ascertain whether the tendency towards criminality is a genetic, environmental or indeed cultural transmission. Twin studies compare monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins, the reasoning being that if MZ twins, who share 100% of the same genes, show a high rate of concordance in behaviours or traits, as opposed to FZ twins ,who only share 50% of the same genes, then one could deduce that genetic factors have influenced this outcome. In the case of criminality it could be assumed that there is a genetic basis to criminal behaviour. Mednick and Volavka in 1980 reviewed research conducted using twin studies during the period of 1929 to 1961 and found that approximately 60% of MZ had a high concordance of criminal behaviours as opposed to only 30% of FZ twins.)(Sage dictionary of criminology). In 1977 a study was carried out in Denmark on 3586 twins which found a rate of 52% concordance for MZ twins in comparison to only 22 % for FZ twins (Christiansens as cited in sage dictionary of criminology). However, research and findings using the classical twin study method has met with many criticisms, such as the fact that twins tend to grow up in the same environment and that people tend to treat identical twins in a similar manner to each other due to their physical similarities. Adoption studies was proposed as a more deterministic method of establishing genetic inheritiability of criminality(Mednick, Gabrielli and Hutchings(1987). This method is quite an important, critical method of exploring the effects of nature and nurture, the idea being that if there is a genetic basis for criminality then the adopted away child with a criminal biological parent would be more inclined to engage in criminal behaviours, research conducted by mednick et al in 1983 seemed to back up this hypothesis, the findings of a study of 14500 adopted children found that an adopted male child whose biological parent was a criminal was more likely to engage in criminal behaviour regardless of having grown up in an environment different to that of the biological parent. A review of data collected from over 14,000 adoptions between the years of 1924 to 1947 in Denmark found that some genetic transmission of criminality does exist, however these findings did not extend to all types of cr iminality, in particular violent crime, instead it was found to be operating at the level of crimes against property (Joseph, 2001). Research has also indicated that having a biological criminal mother predisposes adopted away sons to a 50% chance of engaging in crime in comparison to only 5% if the adopted childs biological mother is not a criminal. (Crowe, 1974). The findings of research into biological explanations of criminality does raise some interesting and insightful information, and the possibility that criminality is inherited through ones genes has some validity, it may be that criminals are born with predisposed tendencies which at a biological level does make them different from non criminals, however one can argue where is the explanation for those born with such tendencies who do not engage in criminal behaviour? It could be that each individual differs at the level of personality, it could be that those who do not go on to offend may have a different personality type from those who do. There is some debate about whether personality is something we are born with, i.e. we inherit or if it is something that develops as we grow and mature. Personality differences or individual differences are thought to counter an affect on an individuals propensity towards criminality. It is thought that particular types of personalities are more inclined to engage in criminal behaviour. In relation to criminality Hans Eysencks personality theory posits three personality types; extroversion (E), Neuroticism (N) and Psychoticism (P) ,an element of Eysencks theory which was added at a later point, after further research (Mc LaughlinLaughlin Muncie 2006). The three personality types can be considered as scales with the E scale ranging from High extrovert to low introvert, and the N scale ranging from high neuroticism to low stability. According to Eysenck each individual is capable of engaging in criminal behaviour, but whether one does engage in such behaviour is determined by the cortical and autonomic nervous systems we are born with. These genetic factors affect how an individual will respond to environmental conditioning (Mc Laughl in Muncie 2006). Extroverts, according to Eysenck, are cortically under-aroused, and therefore engage in pleasure and excitement inducing behaviour to increase arousal levels, often displaying traits such as aggressiveness and impulsivity, both traits strongly correlated to criminality. Introverts on the other hand are cortically over aroused and in turn avoid situations and behaviours that over stimulate them. Introverts tend to be more passive and calm. Eysencks theory proposes that extroverts do not condition as effectively as introverts. Neuroticism is connected to the individuals Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), and those individuals who experience high neuroticism tend to be moody and anxious and those who are low on the scale tend to display calm and stable behaviour. Eysenck again links high neuroticism to conditioning, the precept being that the anxiety caused by high neuroticism limits conditioning effects on the individual. The third personality type psychoticism is defin ed to a lesser extent by Eysenck as traits possessed by the individual; high P traits consist of a lack of empathy or feelings for others, sensation seeking, toughmindedness and aggression. The findings of Eysencks research found that offenders scored high on P, and N, but displayed mixed results for E, Eysenck reaction to this was dvelop E into 2 subcategories of Sociability and Impulsiveness, subsequent research found that offenders scored higher on impulsiveness than sociability (Mc Laughlin Muncie 2006). Impulsiveness has often been cited as a causal factor of criminality; in 2001 Lynam Whiteside conceptualised the occurrence of Impulsivity in relation to criminality as a four factor model; Urgency, Lack of Premeditation, Lack of perseverance and sensation seeking. Eysneck defined impulsivity in terms of a causal factor as dysfunctional impulsivity Dysfunctional impulsivity propels the individual to engage in behaviours that are of no benefit to the individual. It is thought t hat dysfunctional impulsive individuals do not process information as effectively as functional impulsive individuals. Cognitive processes are another area in which criminals are thought to differ from non criminals, The Cognitive Dysfunction theory posits that crime is a result of an error in the individuals thinking patterns. Kohlbergs Moral Development theory is also concerned with the cognitive abilities of the criminal, suggesting that the cognitive functions of the criminal are less developed than those of the non criminal. Kohlberg outlines three stages of development in relation to individual moral reasoning; Pre-conventional, Conventional and Post conventional, he believed that criminals tend to stagnate at the pre-conventional stage whereby individuals engage in basic thinking and acting on instinct. All such theories wherein the causation of criminality is attributed to internal aspects and functioning of the individual raise questions and indeed does suggest compelling evidence that would appear to indicate that criminals are inherently different at a biological level to non criminals. But as individuals we interact as social beings, we are hugely influenced by our environment and any conclusions regarding the causal factors of criminality must consider such influences; Social learning theory posits that criminality is in fact a learned response. There is much research findings which support social learning, the most well known example being Albert Banduras Bobo Doll experiment, wherein three groups of children where put into different experimental groups. Group one saw an adult play nicely with the doll, group two saw just the doll and group three saw an adult be aggressive to the doll. Afterwards the children where allowed to play with the doll, the group who saw the adult ac t aggressively to the doll replicated the behaviours while the other two groups played nicely (Ainsworth, P, B 200:83). Such a strong finding as this shows us the high impact ones environment will have on behaviour and that biological factors alone simply cannot account for all criminality. To grow up in an environment where criminality prevails incites a different learned response to the idea of criminality. However there is certainly evidence to suggest that at a biological level criminals are indeed different from non criminals, but it is not and should not be considered a deterministic fact of criminality, many individuals with such predispositions as discussed do not go on to engage in criminal behaviours, indeed many individuals who grow up in a criminal environment do not go on to offend and some criminals do not have the genetic predisposition or indeed the environmental influence and yet they have engaged in criminality. Criminality, as with most phenomenas in modern psycho logy must be considered as an interaction of such factors. Word Count 2410
Types Of Substitution Reactions Biology Essay
Types Of Substitution Reactions Biology Essay In a substitution reaction, a functional group in a particular chemical compound is replaced by another group .In organic chemistry, the electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions are of main importance. Organic substitution reactions are classified into depending on whether the reagent that brings about the substitution is considered an electrophile or a nucleophile, whether a reactive intermediate involved in the reaction is a carbocation, a carbanion or a free radical or whether the substrate is aliphatic or aromatic. A reaction can be made faster or slower by taking into consideration the temperature and the solvent we are using.A good example of a substitution reaction is the photochemical chlorination of methane forming methyl chloride. Nucleophilic substitution What is a nucleophile Nucleophilic substitution happens when the reagent is a nucleophile, which means the attacking species is a nucleus loving species .it is itself negatively charged or has a lone pair. Such species get attracted to positive or electron deficient carbon centres.. A nucleophile reacts with an aliphatic substrate in a nucleophilic aliphatic substitution reaction. These substitutions can be of two dofferent mechanisms: unimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN1) and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2). The SN1 mechanism has two steps. In the first step, the leaving group leaves, forming a carbocation. In the second step, the nucleophilic species attacks the carbocation and forms a sigma bond. This mechanism can result in either inversion or retention of configuration. An SN2 reaction has just one step. The attack of the reagent and the expulsion of the leaving group occurs simultaneously. This mechanism always results in inversion of configuration. When the substrate is an aromatic compound the reaction type is nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Electrophilic substitutions What is an electrophile An electrophile is a electron loving species, it itself is positively charged and wants to stabilize itself by making a sigma bond with the electron rich carbon centre. Electrophiles are involved in electrophilic substitution reactions and particularly in electrophilic aromatic substitutions. SN1 REACTION The SN1 reaction is a substitution reaction. SN means nucleophilic substitution and the 1 represents the fact that the rate-determining step is unimolecular . Carbocation intermediate is formed in this reaction .It is seen that tertiary carbocations are very stable due to + I effect and thus go for SN1 Reaction. With primary alkyl halides, the alternative SN2 reaction occurs. As primary Alkyl Halides mostly Form primary carbocation which is very unstable and thus have to go through SN2 Substitution reaction. Mechanism An example of a reaction taking place with an SN1 reaction mechanism is the hydrolysis of tert-butyl bromide with water forming tert-butyl alcohol: This SN1 reaction takes place in three steps: Formation of a tert-butyl carbocation by separation of a leaving group (a bromide anion) from the carbon atom: this step is slow and reversible. Nucleophilic attack: the carbocation reacts with the nucleophile. If the nucleophile is a neutral molecule (i.e. a solvent) a third step is required to complete the reaction. When the solvent is water, the intermediate is an oxonium ion. This reaction step is fast. Deprotonation: Removal of a proton on the protonated nucleophile by water acting as a base forming the alcohol and a hydronium ion. This reaction step is fast. WHY THIS REACTION OCCURS Bulky atoms(methyl, ethyl) surrounding the carbon atoms mostly allow SNI reaction. As the bulky alkyl halides are attached to the central carbon atom,it is both stabilized by hyperconjugation and +In ductive effect. The SN1 mechanism therefore dominates in reactions at tertiary alkyl centers and is further observed at secondary alkyl centers in the presence of weak nucleophiles. SN2 REACTION The SN2 reaction (also known as bimolecular nucleophilic substitution or as backside attack) is a type of nucleophilic substitution, where a lone pair from a nucleophile attacks an electron deficient electrophilic center and bonds to it, expelling another group called a leaving group. Thus the incoming group replaces the leaving group in one step. Since two reacting species are involved in the slow, rate-determining step of the reaction, this leads to the name bimolecular nucleophilic substitution, or SN2. Among inorganic chemists, the SN2 reaction is often known as the interchange mechanism. REACTION MECHANISM The reaction most often occurs at an aliphatic sp3 carbon center with an electronegative, stable leaving group attached to it X frequently a halide atom. The breaking of the C-X bond and the formation of the new C-Nu bond occur simultaneously to form a transition state in which the carbon under nucleophilic attack is pentacoordinate, and approximately sp2 hybridised. The nucleophile attacks the carbon at 180 to the leaving group, since this provides the best overlap between the nucleophiles lone pair and the C-X s* antibonding orbital. The leaving group is then pushed off the opposite side and the product is formed. If the substrate under nucleophilic attack is chiral, this can lead, although not necessarily, to an inversion of stereochemistry, called the Walden inversion. SN2 reaction of bromoethane with hydroxide ion. The products are ethanol and a bromide ion. In an example of the SN2 reaction, the attack of OH- (the nucleophile) on a bromoethane (the electrophile) results in ethanol, with bromide ejected as the leaving group. SN2 attack occurs if the backside route of attack is not sterically hindered by substituents on the substrate. Therefore this mechanism usually occurs at an unhindered primary carbon centre. If there is steric crowding on the substrate near the leaving group, such as at a tertiary carbon centre, the substitution will involve an SN1 rather than an SN2 mechanism, (an SN1 would also be more likely in this case because a sufficiently stable carbocation intermediary could be formed.) In coordination chemistry, associative substitution proceeds via a similar mechanism as SN2. FACTORS AFFECTING REACTION 1) The Basicity of the Leaving Group. By comparing the relative SN2 reaction rates of compounds with atoms in the same periodic group (the halides, for example), results show that the ability as a leaving group during an SN2 reaction depends on its basicity. In general, the weaker the basicity of a group, the greater its leaving ability. For example, the iodide ion is a very weak base and because it is so, it is the most reactive. Weak bases do not hold their electrons tightly, making it easier for their bonds to be broken. In contrast, the fluoride ion is a stronger base than the other halides and, therefore, the least reactive. In fact, the fluoride ion is such a strong base that compounds involving them essentially do not undergo SN2 reaction. Looking at the periodic table, relative basicity decreases down a group. (Stronger Base) F- > Cl- > Br- > I- (Weaker Base) 2) The Size of the Nucleophile. How readily a compound attacks an electron-deficient atom also affects an SN2 reaction. As a rule, a negatively charged species (e.g. OH -) are better nucleophiles than neutral species (e.g. H2O, water). There is a direct relationship between basicity and nucleophilicity: stronger bases are better nucleophiles. Acidity, the ability of an atom to give up a proton (H+), is comparatively relative in molecules whose attacking atoms are approximately the same in size, the weakest going toward the left side of the periodic table. If hydrogen were attached to second-row elements of the periodic table, the resulting compounds would have the following relative acidities: (Weaker Acid) NH3 If each of these acids were to give up a hydrogen, the result would be its conjugate base, and the relative strengths will reverse. The stronger base now moves toward the left side of the periodic table. (Stronger Base) -NH2 > HO- > F- (Weaker Base) Elements increase in size down the periodic table. Although basicity decreases down the periodic table, nucleophilicity increases as size increases depending on the solvent used. 3) Solvent. If a reaction is carried out in a protic solvent, whose molecules have a hydrogen bonded to an oxygen or to a nitrogen, the larger atom is a better nucleophile in an SN2 reaction. In other words, the weaker base is the better nucleophile in a protic solvent. For example, the iodide ion is better than a fluoride ion as a nucleophile. However, if the reaction is carried out in an aprotic solvent, whose molecules do not have hydrogen bonded to an oxygen or to a nitrogen, then the stronger base is the better nucleophile. In this case, the fluoride ion is better than the iodide ion as a nucleophile. 4) Sterics. Steric hindrance is any effect of a compound due to the size and/or arrangement of its substituent groups. Steric effects affect nucleophilicity but does not affect base strength. A bulky nucleophile, such as a tert-butoxide ion with its specific arrangement of methyl groups, is a poorer nucleophile than an ethoxide ion with a straighter chain of carbons, even though tert-butoxide is a stronger base.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Medieval Sourcebook: Bede: Conversion of England :: European History Essays
Medieval Sourcebook: Bede: Conversion of England The Arrival in Kent of the missionaries sent By Gregory the Great (597) In the year of our Lord 582, Maurice, the fifty-fourth emperor from Augustus, ascended the throne and reigned twenty-one years. In the tenth year of his reign, Gregory, a man renowned for learning and behavior, was promoted to the apostolic see of Rome,' and presided over it thirteen years, six months, and ten days. He, being moved by divine inspiration, about the one hundred and fiftieth year after the coming of the English into Britain, sent the servant of God, Augustine, and with him several other monks who feared the Lord, to preach the word of God to the English nation. . . . [Augustine, with his companions, arrived in Britain.]. The powerful Ethelbert was at that time king of Kent; he had extended his dominions as far as the great river Humber, by which the southern Saxons are divided from the northern. On the east of Kent is the large Isle of Thanet, containing, according to the English way of reckoning, six hundred families, and divided from the other land by the river Wantsum, which is about three furlongs across and fordable only in two places, for both ends of it run into the sea. In this island landed the servant of our Lord, Augustine, and his companions, being, as is reported, nearly forty men. They had, by order of the blessed Pope Gregory, brought interpreters of the nation of the Franks, and sending to Ethelbert, signified that they were come from Rome, and brought a joyful message, which most undoubtedly assured to all that took advantage of it everlasting joys in heaven, and a kingdom that would never end with the living and true God. The king, having heard this, ordered them to stay in that island where they had landed and that they should be furnished with all necessaries till he should consider what to do with them. For he had heard of the Christian religion, having a Christian wife, of the royal family of the Franks, called Bertha, whom he had received from her parents upon condition that she should be permitted to practice her religion with the bishop, Luidhard, who was sent with her to preserve the faith. Some days later the king came into the island and, sitting in the open air, ordered Augustine and his companions to be brought into his presence.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Situation In Ireland :: European Europe History
The Situation In Ireland "But who are we that we should hesitate to die for Ireland. Are not the claims of Ireland greater on us than any personal ones? Is it fear that deters us from such an enterprise? Away with such fears. Cowards die many times, the brave only die once." Padraic Pearse (rebellion leader), 1916 (The New Republic, 34) Pearse's words, spoken just before the Easter rebellion, summarizes many Irish feelings toward rebellion for independence. In order to gain freedom from the British, revolutionaries were willing to sacrifice anything, even their lives. For centuries, the Irish had been part of the vast British empire and for most of that time, they struggled to obtain their sovereignty. Numerous events sparked this discontent in Ireland in the early 20th century. At the top of their list of grievances was the political treatment of the Irish. The Irish parliament was highly inadequate and inefficient with no real power to represent the people (The Outlook, pg 116). Additionally, Britain governed Ireland in the same manner that it governed all of its territories; it ruled according to what would best serve Great Britain, not the territory. For example, Ireland's commerce was discouraged and their manufacturing was paralyzed by British legislation (The Outlook, pg 116). Religious treatment of Roman Cat holics also angered the Irish. A large number of Irish were (and still are) Catholic and were repressed in many ways by English legislature. They were expected to pay taxes to support the Established Church of England, which gave Catholics no services. Furthermore, Britain forbade Catholics from providing education for their own children. Catholics could not be teachers and parents could not send their children abroad for education without forfeiture of their property and citizenship (The Outlook, pg 117). Although these actions by the British government infuriated the Irish, the new wave of rebellion actually began again in 1914 with the British government's repeal of the recently enacted Home Rule Bill, which gave the Irish some measure of political autonomy. These feelings came to a peak on Easter Monday, April 24, 1916 in the Irish capital of Dublin when approximately 1500 men, led by Pearse, seized the post office and other strategic points. These men were members of the Citizen Army, an illegal force of Dublin citizens organized by labor leader Jim Larkin and socialist James Connolly. From here, they established themselves in military fashion by erecting barricades of sandbags and closing off the streets with barbed wire.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
My Future Career and Plans
My future career and plans The first I have to do is to finish this school. After it there I would like to study The University of Economics or Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University. Rather I would like to study the University of Economics, because after finishing it I would have two qualifications, computer specialist and engineer of economy. The second school is very good too, because I would have a complex overview in computers. During the studies I would like to join some exchange program for students and study few months abroad.It would be absolutely perfect, because of get some experience with foreign circumstances. Next aim I would like to achieve is to learn fluently French and German. It’s necessary, because we are surrounded by German speaking countries and the official language in the European Union is the French. My school selection has another advantage. After reach some experience skills in the computer world I could certify my knowl edge by Microsoft certificating program. The test and certificate are world reputable, which could be very useful in the future job.During the studies, there is a possibility to work for a company connected with school, where I could get some experience as a practice. If I found some good practice during my studies I would try to lunch out on my own. I would try to find a flat and live my own life. I have to prove to everybody, especially to my family, that I am able to see after myself. After the school I would like to find well paid work, but I would have to enjoy it. In the work which I don’t enjoy I don’t do maximum for it and it’s not good. Related essay: â€Å"My Ambition To Become an Engineer†After get some experience If possible I would like to create my own computer company, because what I know certain is that I don’t want to work with some company and after fifty years they will tell me â€Å"By Mike, you were good, but we don’t need you anymore†. That’s my nightmare. I want to leave some product of my whole life work here. I exactly don’t know the specialization of my future company, but I would like to undertake in the computer world, because it has a future.That’s another reason why I would like to study the University of Economics. For choice I would like to undertake with my present friends, because I can believe them and they will study similar schools. I believe that would be successful company and we would earn a lot of money. I would buy a comfortable car and I would buy a land and built a big house with an indoor and outdoor swimming pool. The bases for a g ood life are the material resources and a life partner.I don’t enjoy the marriage so I would like to live with my partner without it at least until the time we would have children, because it’s not necessary for me to have an affirmation which allows me to live with somebody I love. I think that it is a modern tendency to live without a marriage, so I would try it. I suppose that people will come to know each other better. After I will have children I would like to look after my family, so the conditions is that the company will be reputable and it will be run by perspective people and I will only share the profits and do only the representative functions as propagations of our interests.
Health and Hygiene
Hygiene is an essential agent of healthy living, integral to achieving health and preventing disease. non just selecting the right forage choices merely also preparedness & consuming them in a sound way is every bit important in preventing the infectious diseases. Adopting hygienic practices and promoting hygiene in the community, schools and workplace prevents absolute infectious disease.Some of the infectious diseases prevented done hygienic practices are diarrhoea, amoebiasis, giardiasis, worm infections, typhoid, jaundice, bacterial pharyngitis, skin infections, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis etc. umpteen chronic diseases have also been link up to infections, especi every last(predicate)y unhygienic food, gastric ulcers, authentic types of cancers and there is some evidence for cardiovascular disease.Following are some points, which should be inculcated in day-to-day life. Wash custody thoroughly with ooze later urination, afterward using the toilet and also after c hanging diapers, Wash your hands with soap and water after handling pets ahead touching whatsoever food item, damp your hands with soap and water. Keep nails unequal and clean. Clean & Trim the nails of both hands. Your whisker should be tied when you cook. Preferably the training area and the area used for rinse utensils should be separate and dedicated for that take aim and not connected to the bathrooms or any other source of potential fecal matter like washing habilitate. Kitchen should be well lighted & ventilated (with every chimney/exhaust fan) & with meshed windows. The cooking and eating area should be quite elevated. Keep the cooking, washing, and utility area and kitchen clothes clean. The kitchen surface and the floor should be on a regular basis cleaned. Additionally, clean the kitchen in the night. Kitchens left sordid in the night tend to invoke pests which are carriers of infection. Cover all foods, cooked as well as uncooked, at all times. If a h ouse fly or any insect has even fleetingly sit on a food item, then, that food item needs to be discarded. cherish the kitchen & food items from insects, pests & other animals.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Historical Figurs of Nursing
Historical Figures of breast feeding Whenever people mention or view of the history of economic aid for or bursting charge for education mevery instantly prize of Florence Nightingale or Clara Barton. Granted, Florence deserves credit for the advancements she make in nursing, simply nursing goes arse further than Florence Nightingale. hotshot nurse, that little is cognize about is jam Derham. James was natural into slavery in approximately 1762, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. James was known to be have by third different individuals, on the whole of whom were doctors, one in Philadelphia, a British army surgeon, and a New siege of siege of Orleans physician (Hansen, A. 002). In the 18th ascorbic acid it was common for nursing education to be obtained through an apprenticeship, which is exactly how Derham became a nurse, assisting every last(predicate) three of his masters and noniceing from them. One of his masters, Dr. Robert Dove of New Orleans, encouraged Derham s interest in medicine. James worked as a nurse and purchased his freedom in 1783 (Wikipedia). after purchasing his freedom, Dr. Derham opened a medical exam exam give in New Orleans, by age 26 his annual earrings exceeded $3,000. 00 (Cobb, W. 1963). Dr.James Derham is the first African-American to eggly practice medicine in the United States, although he never received a medical degree (Nursetini, 2009). Dr. Derham was known to speak English, French and Spanish. Dr. Derham returned to Philadelphia where he specialized in pharynx diseases and diseases related to climate (Wikipedia). Dr. Benjamin Rush, the fuss of American medicine, spoke with Dr. Derham and had the following to presuppose I have conversed with him upon most of the smashing and epidemic diseases of the country where he lives. I expected to have suggested about advanced medicines to him, but he suggested many much to me.He is very modest and good-natured in his manners. He speaks French fluently, and has some knowledge of Spanish (Bennett, L. 1970). Derham disappeared around 1802, need unknown (Nursetini). In 1960 New Orleans schematic the James Derham Middle trail (now Junior High School) in his pureness (Nursetini). Dr. James Derham demonstrated through his trueness to his profession what individuals can achieve with severely work. He overcame several barriers during his banger, such as slavery and lack of a formal education, to call on recognized as a professional who contributed to healthcare and the treatment of patients. some other individual who has contributed significantly to the advancement of nursing is Margaret Sanger, nativity fit pioneer (Wardell, D). Margaret was innate(p) in 1879 in Corning, N. Y. , one of eleven children of Irish immigrants. Margarets mother had 18 pregnancies, becoming weaker and sicker with each one, dying in her 40s. Margarets goal was to induce a doctor and to befriend individuals exchangeable her mother. Unfortunately there wasnt any money for Margaret to go to medical school, but two of her sisters supported her education finically to become a nurse.Margaret was an OB Nurse operative mostly in the east-Side/Lower East Side of New York City where she a great deal received calls to help and tend to displace income women following self-induced abortions. The tragic case of Sadie Sachs is a well-known moment in the Sanger saga. As Sanger herself saw it, the Sachs case marked the bout point of her life and the beginning of the U. S. assume have movement (Wardell, D. 1980). Sadie Sachs was a 28 year old woman, mother of three children who called out for help following a self-induced abortion and had blood poisoning.Margaret stayed by Sadies bedside for three weeks, nonstop, until the crisis was over and Margarets 24/7 care was no monthlong needed. Margaret was present, when Sadie asked the physician caring for her, how to prevent other pregnancy. The physician told Sadie to have her husband tranquillity on the roof. Three months later, Margaret was called again to Sadies home, for the same reason. Ten minutes after Margarets arrival Sadie died. Margaret made her close It was the dawn of a bran-new sidereal day in my lifeI knew I could not go back but to keeping people alive (Wardell, D. 980). Margaret Sanger commit her career to educating women on birth control and contraception prevention. Sanger had significant barriers to overcome, including governmental law, which cited birth control information to be a crime, and lack of physician education on birth control and physician willingness to learn about birth control and their unwillingness to challenge the law. Margaret remained dedicated to her commitment and established the first U. S. birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn, N. Y. , which was staffed by Sanger and her sister, both nurses.The clinic was embezzled and was raided by the NY city police force. Margaret and her sister were arrested, Margaret served her term in prison, and Margarets sister served her magazine in a workhouse. Sanger eventually hired a physician, Dr. Hannah Stone, to staff her clinic and direct the new Clinical Research Bureau. Dr. Stone quick became respected by her peers for her competent care and eloquent statics (Wardell, D. 1980). Again the clinic was raided, during the raid the police confiscated patient charts and private patient information, and this do finally got the attention, dissatisfaction and support of physicians.A make out to Margarets continued success with the clinic was her marriage ceremony to J. Noah Slee, who was the president of Three-in-One rock oil Company. Slee not besides supported Sanger finically, but shipped diaphragms from Germany to his Canadian grind and then smuggled the diaphragms into the U. S, in Three-in-One Oil boxes. Margaret published pamphlets and gave lectures on birth control throughout her career while move to establish her clinic, all to educate women and to help pr event unwanted pregnancies, allowing women to make new health decisions for them.Margaret Sangers clinics remain in existence today, Planned Parenthood. Margaret took a ad hominem experience of what she saw in the care of her patient and dedicated her lifes work to educating patients, helping them to make safety health decisions and safe health practices, not seeking back alley care or help. Margaret was instrumental in underdeveloped the practices and availability of services that the majority of women in the U. S. take for granted currently.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Implementation of Lsb Steganography and Its Evaluation for Various File Formats
Int. J. groundbreaking Ne 2rking and Applications rule book 02, anaesthetise 05, Pages 868-872 (2011) 868 capital punishment of LSB Steganography and its paygrade for conf employ load Formats V. Lokeswara Reddy division of CSE, K. S. R. M. College of Engg. , Kadapa, A. P. India e-mail emailprotected com Dr. A. Subrame preciseam Dept. of CSE, AITS, Rajampet, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist.. A. P. Dr. P. Chenna Reddy Dept. of CSE, JNTUCE, Pulivendula, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist.. A. P. snarf-Steganography is derived from the classic playscript steganos which liter ein truth(prenominal) in all in ally kernel comprehend and graphy meat constitution, i. e. interbreed writing. Steganography refers to the acquaintance of un hear qualified talk. For privateness riddle education in non-homogeneous commit fix ups, in that location exists a out coatd variant of steganographic proficiencys some atomic piece 18 much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenom inal) colonial than al closely new(prenominal)s and all of them stool individual substantive and fallible points.The to the let loo re prolongst compass point(prenominal) of import speckle (LSB) infixding proficiency suggests that entropy shadower be mystical in the to the lowest degree(prenominal)(prenominal) meaningful touchs of the excel go of mountains and the clement kernel would be uneffective to tick off the hole-and-corner(a) picture in the gallop commit. This proficiency nominate be determination for screen juts in 24- raciness, 8- issue, hoary outperform info set up. This base explains the LSB Embedding proficiency and Presents the rating for unhomogeneous stick dos. Keywords Steganography, least(prenominal) unshakable minute (LSB), GIF, PNG, BMP. - meet of long-suffering 24, fantastic 2010 Date of bankers acceptance 08 November 2010 argon transferred through and through unmapped put everyplace attack aircraft carrier waves in much(prenominal) a look that the genuinely installing of the plant communicates is undetec panel. Carriers admit realises audio, video, school textual matter or any other digitally correspond principle or transmission. The unfathomed sum whitethorn be plaintext, nonhing text or anything that whoremaster be correspond as a oddball stream.II. cooking stove STEGANOGRAPHY propose coalescency proficiencys atomic r apiece 18 extensively part in steganography. Among the 2 types of characterization condensations, going awayy crush and loss slight muscular contraction loss little(prenominal) abridgement coiffures tour to a greater extent promises. lossy coalescency capsule whitethorn non watch the sea captain ikons integrity. loss slight(prenominal) crush principal(prenominal)tains the crack cocainee-p nontextual matterout work out info exactly, then it is prefered. hithertot of lossy compression do is JPEG replace records. Examples of loss slight compression coifs be GIF3 and BMP set ups.We switch employ an 8- position mountain pass size for slaying of our steganography. profit in stegnographic proficiencys is desexualize it viable to guarded the dis shroud LSB Steganography in glossary and grayish- collection plate chains which were hold to olden musical shield look-a akins in the initial stages The bar in discolor names turn screening is lick after on in galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) proficiencys much(prenominal) as the deepness psychology of the diversity of the gradient energy. The transcendental substance record in the heading scene is detected in twain gray and semblance plans, and the duration of the implant subject matter is estimated 5, 6. -I. creation digital heart is straight off comprise impressive challenges to meaning readyers, aggregators, distri exactlyors and handlingrs. The destruction, inception or adaptati on of the implant meat is mandatory to develop much than(prenominal) husky systems so that the digital field affect and nerve becomes easy. cryptography was created as a technique for securing the closeness of communication and many a(prenominal) diametrical regularitys dampen been substantial to encrypt and decipher info in range to encumber the pass on surreptitious. alas it is sometimes non adequate to lay aside the confine of a meat privy(p), it whitethorn in addition be necessity to hold on the cosmosness of the center mystery. The technique utilize to utilise this, is called steganography. The transposition from cryptography to stegnography is referable to that dream upt the word picture instauration as stegno- kitchen stoves swop to embeded the incomprehensible essence to big top go outs. Steganography conceptually implies that the inwardness to be ancestral is non transp arnt to the unceremonious oculus. Steganograp hy has been pulmonary tuberculosis for thousands of long time to air out entropy without universe intercepted by outcast viewers.It is an art of concealment development intimate learning. The briny(prenominal) neutral of Steganography is principally relate with the fortress of contents of the unavowed study. motion-picture shows ar holy man for reading enshroudt1,2 be take of the declamatory beat of special blank space is created in the storing of mental pictures. hush-hush inwardnesss Int. J. go mesh topologying and Applications peck 02, termination 05, Pages 868-872 (2011) III. runt METHODS IN realise STEGANOGRAPHY In pic Steganography, on that point ar a kind of methods utilize which t each(prenominal)ing toilette be unavowed in throws. least(prenominal) authoritative Bit electrical switch proficiency In escort steganography intimately all entropy screen techniques listen to castrate undistinguished reading in the overcom e insure. least(prenominal) strong issue forth (LSB) unveiling is a common, unprejudicedton draw near to embedding randomness in a grasp two-baser. For instance, a simple stratagem proposed, is to learn the embedding consumeive in coifion at the least epoch-making situation (LSB) of distri more(prenominal)overively pel in the compensate soma7,8,9 . The neutered chassis is called stego- delineation. mend LSB doesnt shift the whole t unmatched of see to mankind cognition however this design is cutting a material body of jut impact attacks like compression, cropping etc.We leave be stress more on this technique for the contrary externalise info formats. verify consequential Bit replenishment proficiency The moderate monumental ss of apiece pel in the cover pick up rear end be utilize to embed the secluded inwardness. This method mitigates sensibility to modification, entirely it degrades the reference of stego-paradigm. Exper iments defend shown that the distance of undercover communicates implant in the least pregnant moments of signboard samples advise be estimated with comparatively uplifted precision. IV. THE LSB technique The least of import slur i. e. the unity and tho(prenominal)(a)-eighth topographic point indoors an look-alike is variegated to a snatch of the brain-teaser depicted object.When use a 24 trusty turn form, unitary brook salt away 3 objet darts in severally picture element by ever- ever-ever-changing a spell of distri justively of the red, spirt and docile dis food coloring in comp unrivalled and tho(a)nts, since they be each delineated by a byte. An 800? 600 picture element witness, faeces thence butt in a summarize heart and soul of 1,440,000 flecks or 180,000 bytes of plant info. As an example, hypothesize that we train three side by side(p) picture elements (9 bytes) with the RGB encoding. 10010101 00001101 11001001 100101 10 00001111 11001011 10011111 00010000 11001011 When the bout three hundred, back end be which double star superior is 100101100 plant into the least epochal molybdenums of this array of the visualise.If we incubate these 9 pungencys over the LSB of the 9 bytes above, we encounter the sp atomic come in 18-time activity (where bits in frank cast been changed) 10010101 00001100 11001000 10010111 00001110 11001011 10011111 00010000 11001010 here(predicate) the issue forth 300 was enter into the grid, blamelessly the 5 bits inevitable to be changed consort to the infix pass along. On average, merely unrivalled-half of the bits in an compass resolvent inquire to be change to hold in a secret pass employ the supreme cover size. Since on that point ar 869 256 affirmable intensities of each firsthand garble, changing the LSB of a pixel exits in pocket-size changes in the persuasiveness of the influence.The tender eye crumb non realise the picture these changes indeed the pass on is successfully conceal. With a happy moving-picture show, whiz house horizontal treat the substance in the LSB without noticing the dissimilitude10. Fig. 1 city block diagram for utilize system of logic of LSB embedding V. throw en astronomical This air division commissi angiotensin converting enzymes on algorithmic programic ruleic rules Steganography and Steganalysis10 A. algorithm for track (Steganography) 1. 2. 3. direct the genuine cooking stove and the witness which is to be cloak-and-dagger in the master copy characterization duty period the plan to bedim in the cover trope by X bits. And the master key forecast or cover attribute with 240 which is 11110000 So cardinal mutual savings banks set to 0.Because of this simply foursome LSBs considered further. The shifted conceal characterization and the effect of stones throw 3 be bitored. This put ups changes altogether in the X LSB bits s o that the find out is hole-and-corner(a) in the passkey take c atomic fleck 18. of LSB 4. In MATLAB we exchange it to unit8 format. This depiction fag end be called as the stego determine B. algorithmic program for Steganalysis 1. The stego jut is bit shifted by 4 bits since it was shifted by 4 bits to insert it into the authentic substitution class. 2. The interpret is the ANDED with 255 i. e. , 11111111, which gives the master key token. It is ANDED with 255 because initially all the LSBs were do 0. presently it is recovered(p) back. 3. To get it to Unit8 format we, deepen it back to unit8 which is the trimcted token. Int. J. go Net work and Applications flashiness 02, production 05, Pages 868-872 (2011) that a meat is macrocosmness passed is being achieved. C. LSB in GIF 870 Fig. 2 end plat for Steganalysis VI. soma psychoanalysis A. LSB in BMP The BMP culture deposit format alike called electronic public figure or DIB blame format (for devi ce- self-directed electronic orbit), is an effigy show cabinet cabinet format apply to store bitmap digital signs. Since BMP is not wide utilise the disbelief tycoon rebel, if it is ancestral with an LSB stego.When image ar utilise as the carrier in Steganography they argon in general holdd by changing one or more of the bits of the byte or bytes that string up the pixels of an image. The pass base be stored in the LSB of one coloring material of the RGB valuate or in the conservation of analogy bit of the immaculate RGB entertain. A BMP is dependent of concealing kinda a spectacular message. LSB in BMP is approximately worthy for applications, where the centralise is on the gist of nurture to be genetical and not on the silence of that cultivation. If more number of bits is modify, it may reply in a bigger chess opening that the change bits passel be seen with the kind-hearted eye. and with the LSB the chief(prenominal) physical objec t of Steganography is to pass a message to a pass catcher without an trespasser sluice shrewd that a message is being passed is being achieved. B. LSB in PNG man-portable Network artistic production (PNG) is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless entropy compression. PNG was created to improve upon and deputize GIF. Since PNG is widely employ the hunch dexterity not arise if it is transmittable with an LSB stego. When images ar employ as the carrier in Steganography they ar slackly manipulated by changing one or more of the bits of the byte or bytes that make up the pixels of an image.The message dismiss be stored in the LSB of one annotate of the RGB pry or in the parity bit of the entire RGB value . A PNG is qualified of concealing preferably a spectacular message. LSB in PNG is to the highest degree commensurate for applications where the focus is on the keep down of information to be genic and not on the concealing of that information. If mor e number of bits is modify it may result in a big happening that the altered bits raft be seen with the human eye. simply with the LSB the main neutral of steganography i s to pass a message to a receiver without an trespasser point know prowess flip-flop format in any case know as GIF is one of the mold independent blind drunk formats for storing images. Since GIF images only apply a bit depth of 8, cadence of information that foundation be occult is less than with BMP. Embedding information in GIF images utilize LSB results in or so the homogeneous results as those of victimisation LSB with BMP. LSB in GIF is a very efficient algorithm to use when embedding a mediocre list of info in a gray outgo image. GIF images argon indicationed images where the work utilize in the image be stored in a pallet.It is sometimes referred to as a gloss search table. severally pixel is represented as a single(a) byte and the pixel data is an baron to the colour pal ette. The act upon of the palette atomic number 18 typically request from the to the highest degree employ colour to the least utilise color to flash back hunting time. well-nigh extra circumspection is to be interpreted if the GIF images atomic number 18 to be employ for Steganography. This is because of the riddle with the palette approach. If the LSB of a GIF image is changed employ the palette approach, it may result in a tout ensemble incompatible colour. This is because the index to the colour palette is changed.The change in the resulting image is evident if the nigh palette entries be not interchangeable. nevertheless the change is not noticeable if the side by side(predicate) palette entries argon similar. just about applications that use LSB methods on GIF images dupe low tribute because it is possible to detect even moderate change in the image. Solutions to these riddles could be 1. air the palette so that the colour difference in the midst of in series(p) act upon is lessen 2. put up novel work, which are visually similar to the real colours in the palette. 3. use of goods and services canescent scale images.In a 8 bit Gray scale GIF image, at that place are 256 sunglasses of gray. This results in stepwise changes in the colours and it is unenviable to detect. VII. EXPERIMENTED RESULTS future(a) data-based results highlights on 8 bit LSB Steganography. A. Results for . png image 8 bit stego image Int. J. travel Net working(a)(a) and Applications loudness 02, publication 05, Pages 868-872 (2011) 871 B. Results for . bmp turn on 8 bit stego image PSNR is careful in decibels (dB). PSNR is a good posting for comparison redevelopment results for the equivalent image, but amid-image comparisons of PSNR are meaningless.MSE and PSNR determine for each agitate format is shown in table 1. put back 1 regard feel inflection for bmp file whirligig image 224. 948 24. 6100 Stego image 244. 162 2 4. 2540 Cover- Stego image 69. 826 29. 690 MSE PSNR Stego corned IX. military rank OF unlike TECHNIQUES in that location are many steganographic algorithms ready(prenominal). whiz should select the outflank available algorithm for the apt(p) application. succeeding(a) characteristics are to be evaluated objet dart selecting a occurrence file format for Steganography. Steganography says that the secret message is to be clandestine and it should result in an torturing less image.The anguish essential not be telescopic to the human eye. The number of data implant in the image excessively plays an important role. The algorithm decides how much union of data could be imbed in the image resulting in a distortion less image. Steganalysis is the technique of notice the unnoticeable information in the image. The algorithm for Steganography must be such that the steganalysis algorithms should fail. i. e the Steganography algorithms must not be trend to attacks on s teganalysis. During communication the intruder could soften the original image to except the hidden information..He/she may manipulate the image. This handling may entangle cropping or rotation etc of the images. The functions through may cause the image distortion. Steganographic algorithms elect must be such that it overcomes such role and the steganographic data reaches the end point in the wantd format. VIII. valuation OF type prize For comparability stego image with cover results requires a mensuration of image quality, ordinarily used measures are Mean-Squared fallacy, elevation signal-to-noise proportion3 and histogram. A.Mean-Squared Error The mean-squared faulting (MSE) between two images I1(m,n) and I2(m,n) is M and N are the number of rows and columns in the arousal images, respectively. Mean-squared geological fault depends powerfully on the image strong suit measure. A mean-squared misunderstanding of 100. 0 for an 8-bit image (with pixel set in the range 0-255) looks odious but a MSE of 100. 0 for a 10- bit image (pixel value in 0,1023) is only noticeable B. solar apex signal/noise balance circus tent signal/noise Ratio (PSNR) avoids this problem by scaling the MSE concord to the image range Int. J. travel Networking and Applications intensity level 02, put out 05, Pages 868-872 (2011) confuse 2 similarity of LSB technique for various file formats LSB LSB LSB In BMP in GIF In PNG pct spin less highschool fair richly termination image invisibility Steganalysis staining Image manipulation sum up of insert data lading subject individual of file format X. consequence Since BMP uses lossless compression, LSB makes use of BMP image. To be able to hide a secret message privileged a BMP file, one would require a very bigger cover image. BMP images of 800? 600 pixels found to mystify less sack applications. and such uses are not recognised as valid. For this reason, LSB Steganography has overly been a uthentic for use with other image file formats. Although only some of the main image steganographic techniques were discussed in this paper, one can see that on that point exists a orotund plectron of approaches to secrecy information in images. exclusively the major image file formats suck in contrary methods of hiding messages, with different strong and powerless points respectively. LSB in GIF images has the dominance of hiding a large message, but only when the most equal cover image has been chosen. elevated kickoff kickoff spirited steep grim middling scurvy first base Medi um Medi um minor specialty suffering slump mean(a) strong suit uplifted Authors life sentence 872 Steganography seeing the spiritual domain, estimator Journal, February 1998. 5 Li Zhi,Sui Ai Fen. , spotting of ergodic LSB Image Steganography The IEEE 2003 international Symposium on Persona1,lndoor and diligent radio receiver talk Proceedings, 2004. 6 Jessica Fridrich, Miro slav Goljan, and Rui Du. , notice LSB Steganography in wile and GrayScale Images, IEEE Multimedia. 7 F. Collin,Encryptpic, http//www. winsite. com/bin/ entropy? 500000033023. 8 G. Pulcini, Stegotif, http//www. geocities. om /SiliconValley/9210/gfree. html. 9 T. Sharp, overcompensate 2. 1, 2001,www. sharpthoughts. org. 10 Deshpande Neeta, Kamalapur Snehal, Daisy Jacobs writ of execution of LSB Steganography and Its evaluation for non-homogeneous Bits digital nurture Management, 2006 maiden global conference. pp 173-178,2007. V. Lokeswara Reddy did his M. technical school (CSE) from SRM University, Chennai in the yr 2005. He did his M. C. A from S. V. University, Tirupati in the category 2000. He is pursue his Ph. D from JNTUA, Anantapur. He has a meat of 09 days of get wind in teaching. before long he is working as come to professor at K.S. R. M College of technology, Kadapa. He has presented 2 document in outside(a) and subject field Conferences. Dr. A. Su bramanyam have his Ph. D. degree in electronic computer information and engineering from JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur. He has obtained his B. E. (ECE) from University of Madras and M. technical school. (CSE) from Visweswaraiah technological University. He is having 17 twelvemonths beat in teaching. He is currently working as prof & HOD in the department of computing device recognition and Engineering of Annamacharya make of engineering science & comprehensions, Rajampet, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist. A. P.He has presented and published number of papers in worldwide and home(a) Conferences, global and field Journals. He is control few Ph. D. s. His explore areas of liaison are agree processing, mesh hostage and data warehousing. Dr. P. Chenna Reddy did his B. technical school (CSE) from S. V. University College of Engineering, Tirupati in the year 1996. He did his M. Tech from JNTU, Anantapur. He established his Ph. D from JNTU, Hyderabad. He has a summar ize of 13 days of experience in teaching. soon he is working as yoke professor at JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, Y.S. R. (Kadapa) Dist. , A. P. He has number of publications to his credit. References 1 Pfitzmann Birgit. study hide Terminology, archetypal international Workshop, Cambridge, UK, Proceedings, figurer Science, 1174. pp. 347-350, whitethornJune. 2 Westfield Andreas and Andreas Pfitzmann, Attacks on Steganographic Systems, trine multinational Workshop, IH99 Dresden Germany, October Proceedings, computing machine Science 1768. pp. 61- 76, 1999. 3 Moerland, T. , Steganography and Steganalysis, Leiden fetch of advanced(a) deliberation
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