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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly Essay
Regardless of whether trayvons martin case was justifed effectively - Essay Example The case may include issues on race (Jefferson, 9). Eighty seven percent of the African Americans state that there was no equity in the decision; among whites, just 33 percent bolster the African Americans’ claims. A slim lion's share of about 51% of the whites underwrite that the decision was guiltless in the preliminary though African Americans emphatically dislike the cases. Just a little level of the African Americans affirm the cases by the whites. On the open perspectives, there is likewise an adherent hint. Among 30% of the republicans, oppose the decision while 70% of them affirm the decision. Rather than concentrating on the skin shading individuals should concentrate on hearts (Anthology 15). Regarding the criminal equity framework, an all out number of 86 percent among the African Americans guarantee that blacks among numerous minorities get inconsistent treatment in the law; just 41percent by the whites make such cases though the other 54% case that there is fairness for the negligible gatherings. Under 40% of imprisoned individuals are ethnic and racial minorities (Birzer 27). Eighty-one percent of the African Americans guarantee that the central government ought to watch the social liberties resistance and charge Zimmerman in a bureaucratic court. 50% of the whites restrict such charges, while 27percent of them consent to the charges indicating the nearness of White matchless quality in real life (Yancy and Jones 9). 60% of the Hispanics guarantee that blacks among other minimal gatherings neglect to get reasonable medicines like the whites do and a proportion of two to one objects the decision. Martin gauged ten pounds lighter, yet six inches taller than the Hispanic who put Trayvon’s life to an end (Anthology 1). It was around evening time during the shooting and Martin was on his way home when he saw a vehicle behind him, which tailed him for quite a while. Martin fled to the patios walkways from the road walkways (Jefferson 5).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye magnificently express the considerations, and emotions that ordinarily gone through the normal youngsters mind. In every one of these accounts, the fundamental character is left scanning for his actual personality. Huck Finns venture drives him to scrutinize the convictions others have forced upon him since his childhood. While Holden Caulfield is a confounded and discouraged individual who urgently looks for acknowledgment, and friendship. The two characters are encountering life as free individuals, each having their own extraordinary characteristics, yet when all is said in done they are both discovering that so as to endure and settle on the correct choices, they have to develop. Holden Caulfield and Huck Finn share a considerable lot of similar qualities. For a certain something, the two of them will in general falsehood a great deal. Holden deceived about everybody he met, one case of his misleading was the point at which he met the mother of Ernest Morrow on the train to New York. He disclosed to her how famous, kind, and unassuming her child was regardless of how Holden abhorred him. Huck additionally lies a great deal, however typically he just hoodwinks individuals to secure himself and Jim. This happens when he spruced up as a young lady to discover what the gossipy tidbits about Jims whereabouts were. They have numerous other comparable characteristics, for example, not complying with society. Regardless of whether it was by decision or not, Huck and Holden cleared their own ways, they attempted to make sense of what was good and bad for themselves as opposed to following what every other person said. The characters Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield share an extraordinary bond. The two young men are the most impossible of legends, they lie, mislead, act recklessly, yet they get the point over. Likewise, there is an association between the sidekicks of each character. Holdens dearest companion is his more youthful sister Phoebe, while Hucks experience is revolved around the slave Jim. Captives of that period were treated best case scenario as creatures, and, best case scenario straightforward kids. Jim and Phoebe were on a similar level for they were there for help, and could separate right from wrong, however they didnt realize enough to completely comprehend what Huck and Holden were intellectually experiencing. Huck Finn is carrying on with the life of a normal young person until he ends up helping the slave, Jim escape from his lord. These activities go againstâ everything Huck has been instructed up until this point, and is likewise illegal. Huck is in a precarious bind where he needs to choose whether or not to proceed with causing Jim escape or to hand him over. This powers an impression of his ethics and an assessment of Hucks inner voice. At long last, Huck chooses to follow his heart by not turning Jim in. This shows extraordinary unwaveringness, and development on Hucks part to conflict with the law by doing what he knew was correct. Holden Caulfield was profoundly, genuinely scarred from the demise of his sibling Allie, which clearly influences his dynamic aptitudes. He falls into a profound sorrow where he doesnt appear to mind that he bombed out of four distinct schools. Holden lies perpetually yet he says that he loathes fakes. He sees all the issues in others without understanding his own defects. When he goes to the acknowledgment that he isnt as immaculate as he would have suspected, it is past the point of no return and he is organized. Despite the fact that he was sent to an establishment, not long before he comprehended that he was unable to keep youngsters from growing up, and that he himself expected to develop. Holdens venture didnt end as idealy as he may have trusted, however in any event he at long last perceived the need to get over Allies demise and proceed onward with his life. Huck had the option to make sense of for himself as Holden did the requirement for development in the public arena. Huck displayed a brilliant case of benevolence in this story, hence he effectively conquered one of lifes hardest impediments. Each character had an individual fight they expected to conquer, and both Holden and Huck triumphed. The two characters likewise have numerous distinctions in their activities and ways of life. Holden is increasingly limited in his responses to specific circumstances. He isn't exceptionally certain about himself, nor is he daring. Huck then again, isn't hesitant to step up to the plate, similar to when he fled from home with Jim. Holden was too hesitant to even think about leaving, he just idea about leaving to New Hampshire, or out West.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Role of the Litigation Attorney Before, During, and After the Court Process
The Role of the Litigation Attorney Before, During, and After the Court Process Are you embroiled in a business dispute? Going through a divorce? Did you get hurt in a car accident? All these are situations where it might be necessary for you to seek the services of a litigation lawyer. In the last few decades, US has earned a reputation as the most “litigious society†owing to the tremendous increase in lawsuits. Today, Americans are turning to lawsuits for the resolution of even the smallest problems, from neighbor disputes to spilled hot coffee. With Americans having such a high affinity for lawsuits, you have possibly had to deal with a lawsuit. Even if you haven’t, you might find yourself having to deal with a lawsuit at one time or another. This can be quite stressing. Not only do you have to deal with stresses of the issue behind the lawsuit, you also have to deal with the challenges of navigating the courts and litigation processes. If you want to successfully navigate these processes, you might need the services of a litigation attorney.In crimina l cases, the defendant has a constitutional right to legal counsel as provided by the sixth amendment. However, there’s no federal constitutional right to counsel in civil cases. Therefore, if you find yourself dealing with a civil lawsuit, you could end up being one of the millions of people who go to court without legal representation. Without a litigation attorney, not only will it be a challenge to navigate the litigation process, you will also reduce your chances of winning the case by half. On the other hand, having a litigation attorney makes the litigation process simple and increases your chances of getting a favorable outcome for your case. If you have a looming court case, you might not be sure whether or not you need a litigation attorney. To make it easier for you to make the decision, we are going to look at the role of the litigation attorney and how they can help you with your case. WHO IS A LITIGATION ATTORNEY?Litigation attorneys are legal experts who represent p laintiffs or defendants in civil cases. Litigation attorneys can also be referred to as trial lawyers or litigators. Litigation attorneys are responsible for managing all the phases of a litigation, including activities like investigating the details of the case, gathering of evidence, interviewing of witnesses and other parties, reading depositions and analyzing pertinent information, pleadings, settlement, and the appeal process. The litigation attorney will also help you to make sense of the Latin phrases and complex jargon that is the hallmark of legal matters.The tasks carried out by the litigation attorney will depend on the nature of the dispute as well as whether they are representing a plaintiff or defendant. Since litigation attorneys are experts in law and since they are conversant with all the procedural tricks of the legal process, having a litigation attorney will put you in the best position to win your case. In return, they get some monetary compensation once you win your case. Some of the types of civil lawsuits that litigation attorneys can handle include:Personal injury claimsEmployment lawsuitsEnvironmental lawDivorce and other family law disputesProduct liability suitsReal estate lawsuitsLandlord/tenant lawsuitsVenture capitalBusiness disputesMedical malpracticeIntellectual propertyAnti-trust litigationShareholders oppression Estate litigationConstructions liensBuilder’s liensMechanical liens, etc. Many lawyers often specialize on one area, such as family law or real estate, instead of handling all kinds of civil cases. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A LITIGATION ATTORNEYThe litigation attorney helps you with all the processes pertaining to civil lawsuits. Some of the tasks a litigation attorney might help you with include: Initial Case Assessment And InvestigationThis is a consultative stage. During this stage, your litigation attorney will spend time meeting with you and advising you. They will conduct an initial case investigation and try to find out if the available evidence is enough to file a strong suit. They will review details about the case and come up with a strategy on how to handle the case. They will advise between settling the case out of court and letting it go to trial, depending on the specifics of the case. If you are the defendant, the litigator will assess any evidence that they can use to defend you. Some of the activities that the litigation attorney will engage in in this phase include locating witnesses and taking their statements, interviewing you (the client), collecting documents and establishing the facts of the situation that led to the dispute. The litigator might also engage with the other party and attempt to settle the matter without the need to file a lawsuit. Assistance With DocumentsOne of the things that makes the court process challenging is the sheer number of documents that need to be filled or handed in. Failure to hand in some of these documents or handing them late can gr eatly change the dynamics of a lawsuit. Litigation attorneys are conversant with the process and are aware of all the documents that are required, as well as the specific timeframe within which they should be completed. Some of the documents that a litigation attorney might help you with include:AffidavitsComplaintsDefensesDiscoveryFurther and better particularsInterrogatoriesDrafting PleadingsThe lawsuit process requires several pleadings and motions to be filed with the court, either on behalf of the defendant or the plaintiff. If you are the plaintiff, your litigation attorney will initiate the lawsuit by drafting and filing a complaint and a summons. If you are the defendant, your litigation attorney will need to draft an answer and sometimes a counterclaim, depending on the complaint filed by the plaintiff. Your litigation attorney will also help you with investigating the allegations filed in the complaint in order to come up with appropriate responses. In addition to pleading s, it is also the responsibility of litigation attorneys to draft pre-trial motions, such as the motion to change the venue of trial or the motion to dismiss a piece of evidence. DiscoveryThis is the phase where the two parties involved in the lawsuit exchange any information that might be relevant to the lawsuit. There are several tactics and devices that your litigation attorney might use to gain this information from the other party. These include:Interrogatories: This is one of the most common methods of gaining information during the discovery phase. An interrogatory is a series of written questions that is served to the other party. It is compulsory for the other party to answer these questions in writing. The answers to these questions can then be used in court in case the other party changes their story later. Providing incorrect information in an interrogatory can lead to one being charged with perjury.Depositions: This involves asking the other party some oral questions in an out-of-court setting. Depositions are answered under oath and can be reduced to written transcripts which can later be used in court in case the deponent (the one being questioned) fails to appear in court or if they change their story.Requests for production of evidence: This is where the litigation attorney asks the other party to make available any physical evidence that might be relevant to the lawsuit. This is especially useful for gathering pertinent documents, such as letters, receipts, contracts, and so on. A litigator might also hire an e-discovery professional to help them gather and analyze electrically stored information (ESI) from the other party.Requests for admission: This involves asking the other party to admit or deny the certain facts of the lawsuit in writing and under oath. The aim of requests for admission is to save time and reduce the number of issues that might need proving during trial. Pre-Trial TasksOnce a lawsuit has been filed and accepted, the liti gation attorney will need to wrap up the discovery phase and conduct some pre-trial activities to prepare for appearance in court. These activities include gathering the names of potential witnesses, arranging for and conducting depositions by experts, interviewing key witnesses, examining evidence that will be used as exhibits in court, preparing evidence to be used in court, coming up with trial strategies depending on the available evidence and facts, attending pre-trial conferences, and drafting and arguing pre-trial motions. Representation In TrialIf the case proceeds to the trial stage, it is the responsibility of your litigation attorney to represent you in court. Before the trial, the litigation attorney will need to come up with a trial strategy that will maximize the chances of winning the case. Part of crafting the trial strategy is to perform a SWOT analysis of the case and come up with persuasive arguments. The trial stage begins with a process known as vior dire where the members of the jury are selected. Once the court proceedings are underway, the litigation attorney will present your case in court, make opening and closing statements, present any relevant evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, argue motions and generally craft their version of the case. The litigation attorney might also interview the members of the jury post-trial. SettlementSometimes, cases do not get to the trial phase. Instead, the two parties come up with a way of settling the dispute out of court in order to do away with the expense and risk of going to court. A litigation attorney can help you settle a case without the need to go to trial. To do this, the litigation attorney will negotiate with the other parties and try to come to a reasonable settlement. Sometimes, the litigation attorney might even need to take part in mediation and settlement conferences with the judge in charge of the case. Once an agreement has been reached, it will be the responsibility of the litigation attorney to create agreements and releases based on the agreement. More often than not, it is better to settle instead of going to trial. AppealSometimes, the trial might not go as you expected, creating the need for an appeal. However, a case cannot be appealed simply because it didn’t go as you expected. Instead, there should be evidence to show why the court’s decision was wrong. For instance, if some evidence was dismissed when it should have been admitted, this can act as grounds for an appeal. If you decide to appeal the decision of the court, it will be the responsibility of your litigation attorney to draft post-trial motions, identify grounds for the appeal, collect evidence for the appellate record, come up with strategies for the appeal, draft documents for the appeal and present your appeal before the appellate court. BENEFITS OF HIRING A LITIGATION ATTORNEYBelow are some reasons why it might be in your best interests to hire a litigation attorney to help you with your civil lawsuit: Peace Of MindIf you ask someone who has just represented himself in court, one of their top regrets is usually not getting an attorney to represent them. One thing that most people forget is that representing yourself puts you to close to the case. Your emotions cloud your judgment and make it hard for you to represent yourself to the best of your ability. Actually, most civil disputes end up becoming lawsuits because one or both parties are too emotionally invested in the dispute to come to an amicable solution. If you chose to work with an attorney, you will have the peace of mind that someone experienced and knowledgeable is doing their best to ensure that you get a favorable outcome from the case. You won’t get out of the case with regrets. It Might Save CostsThis might be hard to believe, considering that you have to pay money to hire a litigation attorney, who can sometimes be rather expensive. However, hiring a litigator will save you mone y in the long run. A litigator can help you save money in terms of penalties and fines. A litigator will also increase your likelihood of getting a favorable judgment, helping you avoid paying anything to the other party or even ensuring you get some compensation from the other party. Reduced RiskWorking with a litigation attorney increases the chances of everything going well throughout the case. Litigators understand the law and court procedures, therefore they are better placed to ensure that everything is done properly. They know what to share in court and what to keep confidential. Even in the event that things do not go as expected, having someone knowledgeable in your corner will help you take further action to ensure the final outcome is favorable to you, which is something you might not be able to do on your own. Avoid Incriminating YourselfWhen testifying in a court of law, you should be very cautious, especially when the other party has legal counsel while you don’t. Th e other party’s legal counsel can easily trap you into revealing things that would end up with you incriminating yourself. However, if you have a litigation attorney, he or she will coach you on what to say in court and what not to say, as well as how to say whatever you have to say. This way, you litigation attorney ensures that you do not anything that might incriminate you or dilute the strength of your argument. Easily Navigate The Court ProcessOne of the greatest benefits of hiring a litigation attorney is that they will help you navigate the court process easily and properly. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare for the lawsuit by yourself, you will find yourself in need of guidance at some point. Researching and reading online can only take you so far. Only a qualified and experienced litigation attorney will be able to come up with the best strategy to ensure that you get a favorable outcome for your case. This is made even more challenging by the fact that many legal activities are quite complicated. Even the smallest activities in court require that certain procedures be followed. It is as important to follow these procedures as it is to correctly argue your case. Failure to properly follow these procedures can have your case thrown out or the key evidence you were relying on dismissed. According to this study, litigants representing themselves in a civil lawsuit have to perform almost 200 discrete tasks as part of the lawsuit processes. These tasks include things such as finding the right court, correctly interpreting the law, collecting and compiling evidence, filing motions, negotiating settlements, and so on. Many of these tasks can only be done properly by someone with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the law and the court system. Harvard Law School’s Access to Justice Lab has also monitored how complex the justice system can be. Even the most routine court processes require several steps, many of which vary depending on the sta te, the presiding judge and the particulars of the case. Having a litigation attorney can make this process a lot of easier for you, in addition to ensuring that your case does not get thrown out because you missed a single step you were not even aware of. ExperienceLitigation attorneys are experienced in handling civil disputes. This is their profession. Therefore, a litigator won’t get overly emotional if something they did not want to hear is said. They can handle negotiations and mediations objectively without taking things personally. On the other hand, if you are representing yourself and something upsetting is said to you, there is a likelihood that you might take it personally and do something regrettable. Having a litigation attorney maintains level headedness during the whole process. In addition, since the litigation attorney is conversant with the court processes, he is more likely to recognize instances of biasness or unfair treatment by a judge. Sometimes, the key pi ece of evidence being used against you might not have even been obtained properly. Unless you are conversant with court procedures, you wouldn’t know. Only an experienced person can recognize such malpractices and file motions to deal with such situations. Proper Handling Of Your CaseFinally, working with a litigation attorney will ensure that your case is handled properly. Litigators have been in similar situations a number of times and know how to handle any issues pertaining to the case, something you might not know how to do if you are representing yourself. For instance, if you are filing a personal injury claim, a litigator will have better knowledge of the key elements for a successful claim, the right amount to ask for, how to deal with insurance companies, and so on. In addition, litigators have a wide network of experts and professionals who can help with the discovery process or with challenging testimony or evidence provided by the other party. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND W HEN HIRING A LITIGATION ATTORNEYOnce you have decided to hire the services of a litigation attorney, there are some considerations you should keep in mind to make sure you get the best out of the litigator. These include: Experience: Different litigators specialize in different areas of the law, so you want to be sure that the litigator you choose to work with is experienced in similar cases. For instance, it would not be wise to get a real estate litigator to help you in an employment lawsuit. Ask for a track record of cases the litigator has had in the last one year and find out how many went to trial. Were the cases tried by a judge or a jury? You want a litigation attorney who is comfortable in all these situations. Do your research: You don’t have to hire the first litigator you come across. Instead, talk with two or three of them and find the one that is best suited to handle your case. Find out about their experience, whether they think the case will go to trial or settleme nt, whether they will personally handle the case, their fees, and so on. Know the details of the deal: Don’t sign any agreement with the lawyer before you understand all the details of the agreement. What information will the litigator need from you? How often will you receive updates about the case? What are the total costs? What’s outcome are you aiming for? If anything is not clear, seek clarification before signing the agreement. Costs: Finally, review the costs associated with hiring the services of the litigation attorney. Ask for the lawyer to provide you with their fees in writing. Make sure that you understand all the charges before you hire the litigator. In addition, make sure you are aware of all the payment terms and arrangements. Will you pay an hourly rate? A flat fee? A contingency fee? You don’t want any surprises after the litigator has represented you in court. WRAPPING UPIt is clear that the legal process can be quite complex for someone who is self-represe nting, thereby making it necessary to have a litigation attorney help you with the process. Litigation attorneys will help you with various aspects of a lawsuit, including initial case assessment and investigation, document preparation, drafting pleadings, discovery, pre-trial tasks, representation in trial, settlement and appeal. Working with a litigation attorney has a number of benefits, including giving your peace of mind, helping you save costs, minimizing your risk, avoiding incriminating yourself, navigating the court process easily, better experience and better handling of the case.
The Role of the Litigation Attorney Before, During, and After the Court Process
The Role of the Litigation Attorney Before, During, and After the Court Process Are you embroiled in a business dispute? Going through a divorce? Did you get hurt in a car accident? All these are situations where it might be necessary for you to seek the services of a litigation lawyer. In the last few decades, US has earned a reputation as the most “litigious society†owing to the tremendous increase in lawsuits. Today, Americans are turning to lawsuits for the resolution of even the smallest problems, from neighbor disputes to spilled hot coffee. With Americans having such a high affinity for lawsuits, you have possibly had to deal with a lawsuit. Even if you haven’t, you might find yourself having to deal with a lawsuit at one time or another. This can be quite stressing. Not only do you have to deal with stresses of the issue behind the lawsuit, you also have to deal with the challenges of navigating the courts and litigation processes. If you want to successfully navigate these processes, you might need the services of a litigation attorney.In crimina l cases, the defendant has a constitutional right to legal counsel as provided by the sixth amendment. However, there’s no federal constitutional right to counsel in civil cases. Therefore, if you find yourself dealing with a civil lawsuit, you could end up being one of the millions of people who go to court without legal representation. Without a litigation attorney, not only will it be a challenge to navigate the litigation process, you will also reduce your chances of winning the case by half. On the other hand, having a litigation attorney makes the litigation process simple and increases your chances of getting a favorable outcome for your case. If you have a looming court case, you might not be sure whether or not you need a litigation attorney. To make it easier for you to make the decision, we are going to look at the role of the litigation attorney and how they can help you with your case. WHO IS A LITIGATION ATTORNEY?Litigation attorneys are legal experts who represent p laintiffs or defendants in civil cases. Litigation attorneys can also be referred to as trial lawyers or litigators. Litigation attorneys are responsible for managing all the phases of a litigation, including activities like investigating the details of the case, gathering of evidence, interviewing of witnesses and other parties, reading depositions and analyzing pertinent information, pleadings, settlement, and the appeal process. The litigation attorney will also help you to make sense of the Latin phrases and complex jargon that is the hallmark of legal matters.The tasks carried out by the litigation attorney will depend on the nature of the dispute as well as whether they are representing a plaintiff or defendant. Since litigation attorneys are experts in law and since they are conversant with all the procedural tricks of the legal process, having a litigation attorney will put you in the best position to win your case. In return, they get some monetary compensation once you win your case. Some of the types of civil lawsuits that litigation attorneys can handle include:Personal injury claimsEmployment lawsuitsEnvironmental lawDivorce and other family law disputesProduct liability suitsReal estate lawsuitsLandlord/tenant lawsuitsVenture capitalBusiness disputesMedical malpracticeIntellectual propertyAnti-trust litigationShareholders oppression Estate litigationConstructions liensBuilder’s liensMechanical liens, etc. Many lawyers often specialize on one area, such as family law or real estate, instead of handling all kinds of civil cases. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A LITIGATION ATTORNEYThe litigation attorney helps you with all the processes pertaining to civil lawsuits. Some of the tasks a litigation attorney might help you with include: Initial Case Assessment And InvestigationThis is a consultative stage. During this stage, your litigation attorney will spend time meeting with you and advising you. They will conduct an initial case investigation and try to find out if the available evidence is enough to file a strong suit. They will review details about the case and come up with a strategy on how to handle the case. They will advise between settling the case out of court and letting it go to trial, depending on the specifics of the case. If you are the defendant, the litigator will assess any evidence that they can use to defend you. Some of the activities that the litigation attorney will engage in in this phase include locating witnesses and taking their statements, interviewing you (the client), collecting documents and establishing the facts of the situation that led to the dispute. The litigator might also engage with the other party and attempt to settle the matter without the need to file a lawsuit. Assistance With DocumentsOne of the things that makes the court process challenging is the sheer number of documents that need to be filled or handed in. Failure to hand in some of these documents or handing them late can gr eatly change the dynamics of a lawsuit. Litigation attorneys are conversant with the process and are aware of all the documents that are required, as well as the specific timeframe within which they should be completed. Some of the documents that a litigation attorney might help you with include:AffidavitsComplaintsDefensesDiscoveryFurther and better particularsInterrogatoriesDrafting PleadingsThe lawsuit process requires several pleadings and motions to be filed with the court, either on behalf of the defendant or the plaintiff. If you are the plaintiff, your litigation attorney will initiate the lawsuit by drafting and filing a complaint and a summons. If you are the defendant, your litigation attorney will need to draft an answer and sometimes a counterclaim, depending on the complaint filed by the plaintiff. Your litigation attorney will also help you with investigating the allegations filed in the complaint in order to come up with appropriate responses. In addition to pleading s, it is also the responsibility of litigation attorneys to draft pre-trial motions, such as the motion to change the venue of trial or the motion to dismiss a piece of evidence. DiscoveryThis is the phase where the two parties involved in the lawsuit exchange any information that might be relevant to the lawsuit. There are several tactics and devices that your litigation attorney might use to gain this information from the other party. These include:Interrogatories: This is one of the most common methods of gaining information during the discovery phase. An interrogatory is a series of written questions that is served to the other party. It is compulsory for the other party to answer these questions in writing. The answers to these questions can then be used in court in case the other party changes their story later. Providing incorrect information in an interrogatory can lead to one being charged with perjury.Depositions: This involves asking the other party some oral questions in an out-of-court setting. Depositions are answered under oath and can be reduced to written transcripts which can later be used in court in case the deponent (the one being questioned) fails to appear in court or if they change their story.Requests for production of evidence: This is where the litigation attorney asks the other party to make available any physical evidence that might be relevant to the lawsuit. This is especially useful for gathering pertinent documents, such as letters, receipts, contracts, and so on. A litigator might also hire an e-discovery professional to help them gather and analyze electrically stored information (ESI) from the other party.Requests for admission: This involves asking the other party to admit or deny the certain facts of the lawsuit in writing and under oath. The aim of requests for admission is to save time and reduce the number of issues that might need proving during trial. Pre-Trial TasksOnce a lawsuit has been filed and accepted, the liti gation attorney will need to wrap up the discovery phase and conduct some pre-trial activities to prepare for appearance in court. These activities include gathering the names of potential witnesses, arranging for and conducting depositions by experts, interviewing key witnesses, examining evidence that will be used as exhibits in court, preparing evidence to be used in court, coming up with trial strategies depending on the available evidence and facts, attending pre-trial conferences, and drafting and arguing pre-trial motions. Representation In TrialIf the case proceeds to the trial stage, it is the responsibility of your litigation attorney to represent you in court. Before the trial, the litigation attorney will need to come up with a trial strategy that will maximize the chances of winning the case. Part of crafting the trial strategy is to perform a SWOT analysis of the case and come up with persuasive arguments. The trial stage begins with a process known as vior dire where the members of the jury are selected. Once the court proceedings are underway, the litigation attorney will present your case in court, make opening and closing statements, present any relevant evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, argue motions and generally craft their version of the case. The litigation attorney might also interview the members of the jury post-trial. SettlementSometimes, cases do not get to the trial phase. Instead, the two parties come up with a way of settling the dispute out of court in order to do away with the expense and risk of going to court. A litigation attorney can help you settle a case without the need to go to trial. To do this, the litigation attorney will negotiate with the other parties and try to come to a reasonable settlement. Sometimes, the litigation attorney might even need to take part in mediation and settlement conferences with the judge in charge of the case. Once an agreement has been reached, it will be the responsibility of the litigation attorney to create agreements and releases based on the agreement. More often than not, it is better to settle instead of going to trial. AppealSometimes, the trial might not go as you expected, creating the need for an appeal. However, a case cannot be appealed simply because it didn’t go as you expected. Instead, there should be evidence to show why the court’s decision was wrong. For instance, if some evidence was dismissed when it should have been admitted, this can act as grounds for an appeal. If you decide to appeal the decision of the court, it will be the responsibility of your litigation attorney to draft post-trial motions, identify grounds for the appeal, collect evidence for the appellate record, come up with strategies for the appeal, draft documents for the appeal and present your appeal before the appellate court. BENEFITS OF HIRING A LITIGATION ATTORNEYBelow are some reasons why it might be in your best interests to hire a litigation attorney to help you with your civil lawsuit: Peace Of MindIf you ask someone who has just represented himself in court, one of their top regrets is usually not getting an attorney to represent them. One thing that most people forget is that representing yourself puts you to close to the case. Your emotions cloud your judgment and make it hard for you to represent yourself to the best of your ability. Actually, most civil disputes end up becoming lawsuits because one or both parties are too emotionally invested in the dispute to come to an amicable solution. If you chose to work with an attorney, you will have the peace of mind that someone experienced and knowledgeable is doing their best to ensure that you get a favorable outcome from the case. You won’t get out of the case with regrets. It Might Save CostsThis might be hard to believe, considering that you have to pay money to hire a litigation attorney, who can sometimes be rather expensive. However, hiring a litigator will save you mone y in the long run. A litigator can help you save money in terms of penalties and fines. A litigator will also increase your likelihood of getting a favorable judgment, helping you avoid paying anything to the other party or even ensuring you get some compensation from the other party. Reduced RiskWorking with a litigation attorney increases the chances of everything going well throughout the case. Litigators understand the law and court procedures, therefore they are better placed to ensure that everything is done properly. They know what to share in court and what to keep confidential. Even in the event that things do not go as expected, having someone knowledgeable in your corner will help you take further action to ensure the final outcome is favorable to you, which is something you might not be able to do on your own. Avoid Incriminating YourselfWhen testifying in a court of law, you should be very cautious, especially when the other party has legal counsel while you don’t. Th e other party’s legal counsel can easily trap you into revealing things that would end up with you incriminating yourself. However, if you have a litigation attorney, he or she will coach you on what to say in court and what not to say, as well as how to say whatever you have to say. This way, you litigation attorney ensures that you do not anything that might incriminate you or dilute the strength of your argument. Easily Navigate The Court ProcessOne of the greatest benefits of hiring a litigation attorney is that they will help you navigate the court process easily and properly. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare for the lawsuit by yourself, you will find yourself in need of guidance at some point. Researching and reading online can only take you so far. Only a qualified and experienced litigation attorney will be able to come up with the best strategy to ensure that you get a favorable outcome for your case. This is made even more challenging by the fact that many legal activities are quite complicated. Even the smallest activities in court require that certain procedures be followed. It is as important to follow these procedures as it is to correctly argue your case. Failure to properly follow these procedures can have your case thrown out or the key evidence you were relying on dismissed. According to this study, litigants representing themselves in a civil lawsuit have to perform almost 200 discrete tasks as part of the lawsuit processes. These tasks include things such as finding the right court, correctly interpreting the law, collecting and compiling evidence, filing motions, negotiating settlements, and so on. Many of these tasks can only be done properly by someone with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the law and the court system. Harvard Law School’s Access to Justice Lab has also monitored how complex the justice system can be. Even the most routine court processes require several steps, many of which vary depending on the sta te, the presiding judge and the particulars of the case. Having a litigation attorney can make this process a lot of easier for you, in addition to ensuring that your case does not get thrown out because you missed a single step you were not even aware of. ExperienceLitigation attorneys are experienced in handling civil disputes. This is their profession. Therefore, a litigator won’t get overly emotional if something they did not want to hear is said. They can handle negotiations and mediations objectively without taking things personally. On the other hand, if you are representing yourself and something upsetting is said to you, there is a likelihood that you might take it personally and do something regrettable. Having a litigation attorney maintains level headedness during the whole process. In addition, since the litigation attorney is conversant with the court processes, he is more likely to recognize instances of biasness or unfair treatment by a judge. Sometimes, the key pi ece of evidence being used against you might not have even been obtained properly. Unless you are conversant with court procedures, you wouldn’t know. Only an experienced person can recognize such malpractices and file motions to deal with such situations. Proper Handling Of Your CaseFinally, working with a litigation attorney will ensure that your case is handled properly. Litigators have been in similar situations a number of times and know how to handle any issues pertaining to the case, something you might not know how to do if you are representing yourself. For instance, if you are filing a personal injury claim, a litigator will have better knowledge of the key elements for a successful claim, the right amount to ask for, how to deal with insurance companies, and so on. In addition, litigators have a wide network of experts and professionals who can help with the discovery process or with challenging testimony or evidence provided by the other party. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND W HEN HIRING A LITIGATION ATTORNEYOnce you have decided to hire the services of a litigation attorney, there are some considerations you should keep in mind to make sure you get the best out of the litigator. These include: Experience: Different litigators specialize in different areas of the law, so you want to be sure that the litigator you choose to work with is experienced in similar cases. For instance, it would not be wise to get a real estate litigator to help you in an employment lawsuit. Ask for a track record of cases the litigator has had in the last one year and find out how many went to trial. Were the cases tried by a judge or a jury? You want a litigation attorney who is comfortable in all these situations. Do your research: You don’t have to hire the first litigator you come across. Instead, talk with two or three of them and find the one that is best suited to handle your case. Find out about their experience, whether they think the case will go to trial or settleme nt, whether they will personally handle the case, their fees, and so on. Know the details of the deal: Don’t sign any agreement with the lawyer before you understand all the details of the agreement. What information will the litigator need from you? How often will you receive updates about the case? What are the total costs? What’s outcome are you aiming for? If anything is not clear, seek clarification before signing the agreement. Costs: Finally, review the costs associated with hiring the services of the litigation attorney. Ask for the lawyer to provide you with their fees in writing. Make sure that you understand all the charges before you hire the litigator. In addition, make sure you are aware of all the payment terms and arrangements. Will you pay an hourly rate? A flat fee? A contingency fee? You don’t want any surprises after the litigator has represented you in court. WRAPPING UPIt is clear that the legal process can be quite complex for someone who is self-represe nting, thereby making it necessary to have a litigation attorney help you with the process. Litigation attorneys will help you with various aspects of a lawsuit, including initial case assessment and investigation, document preparation, drafting pleadings, discovery, pre-trial tasks, representation in trial, settlement and appeal. Working with a litigation attorney has a number of benefits, including giving your peace of mind, helping you save costs, minimizing your risk, avoiding incriminating yourself, navigating the court process easily, better experience and better handling of the case.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Renewable Energy - 803 Words
The Cost of Converting to Renewable Energy Sources Greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere are believed to be the direct causation of climate change. One of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions is the burning of fossil fuels to provide what could be considered basic human comforts such as transportation, and electricity. Although the technology is readily available for a conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy, it is argued that converting would negatively impact the work force, and the consumers cost of living. Although these concerns are valid, they are of lesser importance when compared to the cost associated with deteriorating health, water quality, and food security of the consumer. Eradicating the use†¦show more content†¦(ENERGY MARKET COSTS CONCLUSION) Air pollution is a direct result of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which causes serious effects on our health, and therefore our ability to participate in society. The World Health Organization estimates that ninety percent of people in the world are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution. Pollution causes a variety of health problems: minor irritation to the eyes, nose, mouth and throat, headaches, dizziness, and more serious problems such as respiratory and lung diseases, cancer, heart disease, and stroke (Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health). Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology estimate that about 200 thousand early deaths in the United States can be linked to air pollution every year. A study done by Kruse et al. analyzed the loss of productivity associated with coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and COPD, some of the most serious health problems linked to air pollution. Their findings implicated that people had an overall significantly higher chance of leaving the labor market as a result of the disease, clearly reflecting a loss in productivity (Kruse et al. 4). This loss of productivity accumulated a cost of over 2.14 million dollars â€Å"per 100,000 population in the age group 50-70†in one year (Kruse et al. 6). (NEEDS MORE CONCLUSION) Increases in water temperature, intense precipitation and runoff, and intensified extreme weather eventsShow MoreRelatedRenewable Energies : Renewable Energy980 Words  | 4 PagesRenewable Energies BHARC1403 - ICWS Rishabh Bhasin â€Æ' â€Å"I declare that this assessment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided.†â€Æ' Introduction Renewable sources of energy are the ones that can never be exhausted as they are provided by nature. For example- solar, hydro, wind, biomass. They produce little or no pollution and henceRead MoreRenewable Energy : The Energy926 Words  | 4 PagesRenewable Energy Is it possible to live without energy? Lately, the consumption of energy is increasing due to the growth of the world population. In this technological era where all the devices work by using energy, the new humankind challenge is providing sufficient amounts of energy. At Yale University, Dr. Ronald Smith teaches some courses in the areas of meteorology, oceanography, fluid mechanics, atmospheric physics, applied mathematics, mesoscale dynamics, environmental remote sensing. InRead MoreRenewable Energy : Renewable Resources1944 Words  | 8 PagesRenewable energy: energy in which comes from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat (Bhatia, 2014). This essay is focused on the main three renewable energies, wind, sunlight, and water. Renewable resources are well on the way to out rule the fossil fuel industry because of the diminishing amount of fossil fuels left in the world and increase of renewable resource use, the damage fossil fuels do to the environment, and the variousRead MoreRenewable Resources For Renewable Energy Essay1157 Words  | 5 Pages Renewable Resources used to be a source that was futuristic and far beyond the time period. Fossil Fuels are damaging to the home that is named Earth. Americans should support the production of renewable resources because they are more efficient, the world will experience a decline in the emission of Fossil Fuels, and the use of of WWS (Wind, Water, Solar) Resources will produce a more resilient source when compared to the sources that in effect now. WWS Resources produce more efficiently thanRead MoreThe Energy, Clean Renewable Energy902 Words  | 4 Pagesseems to be right within humanities grasp? The answer is energy, clean renewable energy. With the increasing advances in modern society, as does the requirement of more energy becomes necessary. Currently humanity are facing a dilemma where humans are burning threw nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil faster than they can be replenished from a set stock. Civilization also faces problems stemming from harmful energy sources such as nuclear, and fossil fuels, etc. wereRead MoreEnergy Efficiency And Renewable Energy1975 Words  | 8 Pagessource of energy is the one that is inexhaustible and can also be naturally replenished and readily produced. The next step would be to develop that type of renewable energy efficiently while also distributing it more effectively. The most rational way to create and produce energy is to generate it renewa bly by utilizing naturally reoccurring resources. Perhaps, that is why energy efficiency and renewable energy are gaining more and more attention from the largest names in the financial, energy, and industrialRead MoreRenewable Energy: Is It the Solution?1571 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Renewable energy is considered a revolutionary thing, something that can save us from peak oil and climate change, but is it really what it seems? Renewable energy can help ease our predicament. There are multiple ways to achieve this, including the use of newer, greener technologies such as wind, solar power, and biomass. The purpose of this paper is to educate, theorize, and discuss various aspects of renewable energy, such as its history, development, and the advantages and disadvantagesRead MoreEssay on Renewable Energy873 Words  | 4 PagesSoutheast Polk High School opened they added many new energy saving products. This included installing geothermal heating under the high school cutting back on the cost of heating such a large building. Many new windows help save on energy used to light the building along with automatic lights that turn off after several minutes without movement. The new high school shows how easy it is to save money and help the environment. Renewable energy is good for all aspects of the U.S, providing jobs, economicalRead MoreEnergy Sources Of Renewable Energy1944 Words  | 8 PagesExecutive Summary The development of renewable and alternative energy is becoming more and more necessary as the traditional fossil fuel energy is a non-renewable energy and can cause various environmental problems such as the global warming effect. However, the challenge today in generating alternative energy is to find a cost effective way while has the smallest harmful environmental impacts. Developing bioenergy have the advantage of reducing greenhouse gas emission while creating great economicRead MoreRenewable Energy Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesStudyonlinenow Renewable Energy Is Only Part of the Best Way to Prevent Climate Change In our present life we are going through two of the main hazardous changes on the Earth, global warming and greenhouse affects. We want mankind to survive for a very long time, but if we keep using non-renewable energies the way we do, do you think we will be able to survive for a long time? I strongly believe that renewable energy is only part of the best way to prevent climate change. In this essay I
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Porter Novelli Free Essay Example, 1500 words
Heckman (2011) points out that, effective leaders formulate competitive strategies that are implemented to make an organization competitive within the market place. Nonetheless, strategic leaders form part of executing strategy. Venkateswara (2004) argues that strategic leaders do not only formulate or craft policies, but they also set examples by executing them. Ideally, the leaders’ primary responsibility is to implement the chosen strategy and reveals the action plan to other employees. Primarily, the strategic leaders build an organizational culture that drives the realization of the formulated strategies. They direct the efforts of the employees towards achieving set high goals in the organization. In fact, the management team accomplishes competitive, distinctive capabilities that make organizations profitable consistently. Arguably, strategic leadership helps in choosing the right people that are best placed to execute strategies within organizations. They pick correct roles, and right people to suit such roles. Procedurally, the strategic leaders evaluate the performance of individuals within the organization and measure the performance of the organization in general. Karin Behrens (2008), posits that the organization’s leadership must always remain agile to ensure stakeholders pursue the formulated strategies effectively. We will write a custom essay sample on Porter Novelli or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Without performance evaluation, the enterprise is destined to failure. Strategic resilience makes the organization successful. The leaders evaluate their performance and measure the performance of others as a way of ensuring there is boosted performance at the firm. On the other hand, effective or strategic leaders nurture and utilize talents within and outside the organization. Talent management within an organization is quite critical. Karin Behrens (2008) believes that proper management ensures efficient utilization of skills that results in greater achievement to the organization. As such, talents must be identified and properly managed within the organization. However, the internal abilities must be aligned to meet both the long term and short term objectives of the organization. According to Bourne, Melnyk, and Faull (2007), this process entails building the needed talents from within the business as well as outside its in boundaries. There ar e five-point criteria used to evaluate the performance of individuals within the organization. I. Strategic congruence It is the evaluation of performance based on the alignment of the goals of the organizations to the strategies of the organization.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Roman Slavery - 1148 Words
Slavery is an institution of the common law of peoples by which a person is put into the ownership of somebody else, contrary to the natural order. Slavery was commonly practiced throughout all ancient history, but no other people in history owned so many slaves and depended on them so much as the Romans. Slavery was accepted as a part of life in ancient Rome by the slaves themselves and by the society. However, slavery was both beneficial and disastrous to ancient Rome. In Roman times, slaves were primarily prisoners of war. Indeed, war was good business because of the profits from slavery. Entire cities were captured and sold as slaves. Others became slaves when they couldn t pay their debts; sometimes the†¦show more content†¦Torture, degradation, and even killing a slave when he was old and sick, in the eyes of the law was justified. Slaves were property who could not legally hold property, make contracts, or marry. The death of a master did not in fact free the slave. If a slave escaped, he had to live a life of an outlaw, with organized bands of slave hunters on his tracks. A fugitive slave was a crime, for he had stolen himself. If he was caught, he was branded on the forehead with the letter F, for fugitives, and sometimes had a metal collar around his neck. One of these collars, preserved in Rome, says in Latin, â€Å"I have run away. Catch me. If you take me back to my master Zoninus, you’ll be rewarded†( Mirza 42). Many factors such as military, social, economic, political and Roman dependency on slavery combined, resulted in the fall of the Roman civilization. It was estimated that an average wealthy Roman owned 400 slaves Kendrick Pg. 3 in his town house alone, some wealthy people owned from 10,000-20,000Show MoreRelatedroman slavery2257 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿ Roman slavery Slavery was an important part of the ancient world, and it was an integral piece of Roman daily life and the economy. Though slavery was practiced all over the Mediterranean, and was abundant in the east, its impact in other places was not felt nearly as much as it was in Rome and her Empire. As the Romans consolidated their position on the Italian peninsula and began the systematic conquest of the Mediterranean region, millions of slaves were incorporatedRead MoreSlavery in Roman Republic2798 Words  | 12 PagesDuring the Roman Republic, Ancient Rome was at its very beginnings and a civilization was just being created. Like any other civilization there were different levels of status between classes and several positions of power in which people could obtain. Subsequently, just as there were people of power and wealth, there were also people of little to no power and poverty. The Ancient Romans utilized the institution of slavery to help promote their civilization and became a major factor in the economyRead MoreThe Role of Slavery in Roman Comedy1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe Role of Slavery in Roman Comedy The theater of the Roman Empire was very similar to that of the Greek theater. Masks were worn by the actors to amplify their voices and to allow some actors to play two different roles, and women were not allowed to have roles in the theater. Roman playwrights such as Plautus and Terence borrowed comedic stories from the Greek theater, â€Å"Romanizing†them in the process. For instance, Terence wrote a play called Heauton Timorumenos or The Self-Tormentor. ARead MoreComparison of Roman and American slavery760 Words  | 3 PagesComparison of Roman and Western Slavery Slavery is one of the most common entities between the Roman s society and the Western society in the late 1800 s. Both civilizations have many differences and similarities between their views on slavery, treatments of the slaves, and economics of slavery. Such similarities include the imprisonment of slaves, the cruel treatments towards slaves, and the legal status of slaves as their owner s property. However, despite the many differences, slavery between polarRead MoreRoman Slavery And The Works Of Plautus1440 Words  | 6 PagesRoman Slavery as Seen in the Works of Plautus Slavery was extremely common in ancient Rome. In fact, 25% of the population was thought to be slaves. Prominent men in society could host up to five hundred slaves. Emperors would have almost twenty thousand slaves at their court. People could become slaves in many ways. The most common way to become a slave was through piracy. But a huge number of slaves became slaves as war captives as well. Other ways to become a slave were by being born into slaveryRead MoreThe Roles Of Ancient Roman Slavery In Ancient Rome886 Words  | 4 PagesAncient Roman slaves did numerous amount of jobs and helped Rome become prosperous. Slavery in Rome had benefited the Republic in various ways. Slaves increased the economy, fed the entire republic through agriculture, and they also upheld important roles and was the glue that held Ancient Rome together. Slaves played a huge roll in Ancient Rome and was the reason for the great economy and without the slaves Rome would not have been as powerful as it was. An estimate of the slave population inRead MoreIs The Film Pompeii An Accurate Representation Of Slavery During The Ancient Roman Era?1505 Words  | 7 Pagesaccurate representation of slavery in the Ancient Roman era? The movie Pompeii produced in 2014, by Paul W.S Anderson, explores the idea of social hierarchy and the class distinctions along with giving a portrayal of the role of slaves within the Roman Empire. While the film does not go in depth on the many different forms of slavery, it does provide minor examples on certain slaves work, and the way they are treated. Slavery played an integral role in the Ancient Roman society, and without it,Read MoreSlavery in Ancient Roman Society1301 Words  | 5 Pagespeople now think of slavery, they think of the United States because that memory is relatively new and culturally relevant to Americans. However, slavery existed in many other cultures and times across the world. Understanding the nature of slavery is integral to an understanding of Western Civilization in general. Ancient Rome practiced slavery throughout much of the Empire, and especially under Emperor Augustus. It is likely that slavery was just as important for making the Roman Empir e strong, wealthyRead MoreComparison Of Greek And Roman Slavery1683 Words  | 7 Pages Comparable to some degree with the struggle of the early civilizations (i.e. Greek and Roman slavery) to break out their condition of being slaves, the classic animated movie A Bug s Life depicted in a similar way, but in different causes to bring the system down. In the mentioned movie, various societal form and structures of interest are exposed in this paper. The Capitalist Pyramid Strikes Again The government structure of the Ant Island is certainly a monarchy, where the Queen inherits theRead MoreSlavery During The Roman Empire And The New Testament2120 Words  | 9 PagesProfessor McFarland New Testament 9 November 2016 Slavery in the Roman Empire and the New Testament Slavery, a word described as the state of one bound in servitude as the property of a household. This description, along with sadness and disbelief gets brought into peoples’ minds as the chilling sensation of the explanations begins to be sought out. The New Testament brings us many different views on how we percept our personal beliefs upon Slavery, and different problems arising as aspects on this
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